H2O Delirious: Tutor part 1

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(this is before H2O Delirious made YouTube videos and they were in school)

H2O Delirious: Jonathan
Vanoss: Evan
Daithi De Nogla: David
Moo Snuckel: Brock

Your Pov:

"Okay class that's all for today! I'll see you tomorrow." Mr. Swander said. I picked up all my things stuffing it into my bag. I got up walking to the door. "Y/N! Can I talk to you privately?" Mr. Swander asked. "Yeah sure." I said quietly walking to his desk. "What do you need?" I asked "I need you to tutor this student for me. He is really smart but he's going through somethings at the moment so he just needs a little help catching up. His name is Jonathan or sometimes his friends call him Delirious for some reason." He said grabbing some papers and handing them to me "yeah that's fine." I said looking at them. "That's all of his homework." He said smiling at me. "All of this?" I asked raising my eyebrows. "Yes unfortunately. He's just really behind. Maybe try to be his friend. But what I don't want is to see you slacking off trying to help him. So go find him at lunch and talk to him about it." He said pulling out his lunch. I nodded then walked off to go to lunch. I looked all over the lunch room and finally found Jonathan. I walked over to his table and sat next to him. "What are you doing?" Jonathan asked kind of rudely. I pulled out the papers to show him. "Mr. Swander said you need to catch up so I have to tutor you after school." I said looking at all of his friends just staring at us. "No. That's not gonna work. Leave." He said turning back to his friends. "Fine fail the class while your friends pass." I said shrugging and walking away. I went back to my table where I sat all alone just reading and eating lunch. After lunch we only have 1 more class. The bell finally rung dismissing us to go home. I hurried grabbed my stuff from my locker and walked out to my car. When I was about to drive off, some of Jonathan's friends stopped me. It was Evan, David, Tyler, and Brock. I rolled down my window. "What do you need?" I asked looking at them. "We need you to tutor Jonathan. He's really stubborn so he's not gonna like it but once he warms up he will be easy to work with." Evan said looking at me. I shrugged "he said he didn't want to so he needs to come up and tell me he wants to." I said looking at Jonathan from afar. He was staring right back at me. David waved him to come over. He casually walked over. "What." He asked with out any emotion. "Tell her you need a tutor." Brock said. "But I don't so she can leave." Jonathan said. "Okay dumb fuck yes you do! Were not gonna let you fail so she's gonna tutor weather you like it or not!" Tyler said causing me to laugh a little. "I got to go. Here's my number. If you want a tutor I'm here. YOU just have to ask." I said pulling away and driving to my house.

H2O Delirious's Pov:

"Why does she have to tutor me?! Why can't we just play video games?!" I asked getting annoyed. "Cause Delirious! You aren't failing a class! I understand your going through a rough time but she's offering to help you! Let her help you." Vanoss said over the mic. "You never know maybe you will like her." David said laughing a little. "Whatever I got to go." I said rolling my eyes. I logged off of skype and sat on my bed with my phone. It was a Friday night at 2:00 in the morning. Maybe she is up. What if she's not then I wake her up. Fine I'll just call. It rang twice then she answered.

D:Delirious Y:You

Y: Hello? Um who is this?

God she sounds so cute. No! Delirious stop thinking of her like that! She doesn't like you!

D: is Deli-I mean Jonathan.
Y: oh hi! What do you need?
D: I just want to talk to you. Did I wake you?
Y: no I always stay up late playing video games.
D: you play video games?
Y: hell yes I do

I heard her laughing on the other end. Why did I even call? I doubt she wants to talk to me.

Y: so do you want a tutor?
D: ugh my friends are making me.
Y: you do it if you want. You don't want me to tutor you then I won't.
D: do you even want to tutor me or are you just doing it cause the teacher is making you?
Y: I'm doing it cause I want to help you. You seem like a really cool and nice person once you warm up to me.
D: okay whatever

Your Pov:

D: okay whatever.
He then hung up on me. "How rude!" I said rolling my eyes and laying in bed. I decided to text him. After that I decided to go to bed.

Text message (blue is you and white is him)

I'm gonna be making a few more parts of this

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I'm gonna be making a few more parts of this. Sorry I'm posting it so late anyway hope you guys at a good day. Catch you guys later, goodbye.

- TooInsanelyBlue

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