IAMWILDCAT: Can you pick me up

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Your Pov:

"You guys are assholes! Fuck I'm leaving." I yelled while grabbing my bag I already pre-packed and ran out. I dialed a number on my phone that was familiar to me when I always had trouble. It rang 5 times before he had answered.

T= Tyler    Y= You

T: Y/N it's 2 in the morning. What do you need?
Y: Can you pick me up at Bens ice cream shop?
T: Yeah that's fine. I'll be there in a few minutes.

I hung up the phone and started walking to Bens ice cream shop which was only 10 minutes away. As I was walking I realized what I was doing. Even though I was 18 and I was aloud to run away, my family didn't even chase after me. They don't even care if I leave? I started bawling and I couldn't stop. So I stopped where I was and sat down on the ground crying. After a few minutes Tyler called me.

T: where are you? What happened?
Y: I'm sorry I got distracted. I'm coming. I'm only 2 minutes away.

I hung up, picked myself up, and started running. As I was it started raining. What's wrong sky? Are you going to cry with me now? I finally arrived and there Tyler was. Sitting in his car waiting for me. I opened the door to get in. "Hurry your already drenched!" He said turning the heat on. "I'm fine. It's okay." I said putting my stuff in the back seats. "What happened?" He asked looking into my eyes. "Nothing just another fight and I'm not going back this time. Just drive." I said looking down. "You can stay with me. We can go back to your house to grab your things tomorrow. For right now let's get you cleaned up." He said while driving. "No it's fine. I'll find my own place." I said while looking out the window. "We can discuss it tomorrow, for right now just get some sleep." He said quietly. Slowly I dozed off. After what only felt like 20 minutes Tyler carried me inside. "Can I take a shower before I go to bed?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "Are you sure? It's 3:38 in the morning. You can if you want though. I'll get you some clothes." He said walking out of the room. I went into the bath room to start the shower and jumped in. After 40 minutes I was done. I got dressed and went to lay in bed. As I sat there thinking I started crying. "Why me?" I bawled out to myself. I finally cried myself to sleep after 30 minutes of sitting there.

**next morning**

I woke up to my alarm going off. I got out of bed, walking into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I surprisingly felt good. So I decided to get dressed and drag Tyler out of the house. I decided to put on jeans, a navy blue sweatshirt, white shoes, and threw my hair up into a bun.

**Your outfit and hair**

I walked into Tyler's bedroom to find him still asleep

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I walked into Tyler's bedroom to find him still asleep. I jumped on top of him bouncing. "Tylerrrrr get up." I whined. "Uuuugh get off of me." He said throwing me off the bed. "You asshat!" I said getting up and rubbing my butt. "That hurt my butt." I said frowning. "Awww want me to kiss it." He said sitting up. "Your such a perv." I said rolling my eyes playfully.


She seemed really happy and bright today which was rare. Her relationship with her family want good. They always judged her and wanted her to be better. They truly never loved her for who she was but fuck they were missing out on such a wonderful girl. If anything they should be proud. Maybe she wasn't always the happiest or in the greatest mood but once you get past that, she is wonderful and absolutely amazing. She would be a killer girlfriend and wife. She makes all of us happy and she especially makes me happy. "Tyler? You ready yet?" Y/N yelled. I grabbed my wallet along with my keys and walked out of the door. She was already in the car when I got in. "So where we going?" I asked looking into her eyes. "Lets go get breakfast.." Y/N said with excitement. "Okay that's fine, bacon sounds so good right now." I said while driving. "YES WERE GOING TO GET SOME PUNCAKES." Y/N yelled out the window like some lunatic. "Stop it!" I yelled laughing and pulled her back into the car while rolling up the window. After 15 minutes we arrived at 'Victors Restaurant'. We walked in and took a seat at a booth. After 2 minutes the waitress finally came to our table. "What can I get for you gorgeous." The waitress asked Y/N, winking after. After she told him what she wanted he then asked me. "What can I get you." He said plainly. "Well Jake." I said reading his name tag. "You can get me pancakes,bacon,scrambled eggs,with a water. You can also stop flirting with my girlfriend and you can get me another waitress. Have a shitty day." I said turning my attention towards Y/N who was trying not to burst out laughing. He walked away grumbling about something. "Girlfriend? Excuse me Tyler but I like someone." She said in a serious tone and with a serious face. "Oh uh I was uh just saying that so he would uh leave you alone." I said getting nervous and I could tell my face was beat red. "If you must know I like Mr. Piggy. He goes by Wildcat though." She said looking into my eyes and smiling.

Your Pov:

"If you must know I like Mr. Piggy. He goes by Wildcat though." I said looking into his icy blue eyes and smiling. He sat there for a moment with his mouth open. It almost worried me but then he smiled. "Well I like this girl and her name is Y/N." he said looking at me while smiling. "We are such Dorks." I said laughing. The waitress came up and this time it was a old lady. "Here you go darlings. By the way, you guy are an adorable couple. Reminds me and my husband and I when we were young." She said smiling at us. "Aww thank you ma'am." I said smiling back at her. "I'm so lucky to have you as a best friend and I hope we can be more." Tyler randomly said. "Well I'm lucky to have you and I hope we can be more too." I said smiling.

Catch you guys later, goodbye.


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