H2O Delirious: Tutor part 2

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Your Pov:

It's been a month since I've been tutoring him and it's been going great. We've actually got a lot done and he's really smart. It's kind of hard working with him though. He is very stingy and pushes me away every time I try to get close to him. I walked out of school jumping into my car getting ready to drive home. It was Friday night which Jonathan and I don't tutor today so I was just going to go home and play video games. I was about to pull out when someone started yelling. "Wait Y/N!" I looked up to see who it was and it was Jonathan. "Whatcha need?" I asked as he walked to my window. "I know this is uh a weird question but uh..." he said trying to get is words out while looking at the ground and twiddling with his jacket. "Can I hang out at your house for a while?" He asked looking up at me. "Yes that's fine." I said smiling. As he got into the passengers side I looked up at his friends who were smiling at me and giving me a thumbs up. I mouthed what and Evan shook his head saying nothing. I just shook it off and drove to my house. I know whatever reason he wanted to come over to my house wasn't a good reason so I didn't push it. When we got to my house I unlocked the door and walked in. "My parents are on a trip right now so they won't be home all week." I said walking into the kitchen. "Are you hungry?" I asked. He shook his head no. "What kinda games do you have? And what console." He asked. "I have like all the games and I have a lot of console's but the main ones I use is the PS4 and Xbox one." I said grabbing a drink. "Can we play some games then?" He asked. I smiled and went into the living room to set up the stuff. When we started playing it was 3:00 and now it was 7:00. "Alright I'm done. I need to stop before I break something." I said laughing a little. "Jonathan?" I asked turning off the system. "Yes?" He said turning to me. "Why did you want to come over?" I asked looking at him. He then sighed. "Y/N, I have a bad home life. Not just bad it's really bad. I was abused when I was little by my mom because my dad left and she blamed it on me. She's bad into drugs now and she's an alcoholic. She now has a new boyfriend who disrespects me so I play video games to escape from all that stuff. Today I just didn't want to handle it so I didn't want to go home and all my other friends were busy." He said looking down a few tears escaping his eyes. I quickly hugged him "I'm so sorry Jonathan. I'm really sorry." I said hugging him tight. I figured he would push me off but instead he grabbed onto me tight. He started bawling his eyes out onto my shoulder. I pulled away but scooted closer to him. "It's okay. It's going to be okay. Your more than welcome to stay at my house anytime you want. I have an extra room and my parents wouldn't mind." I said running my fingers through his hair. "Thank you really. Thank you a lot. Would you care if i crashed here?" He asked me. "Nope it's fine. How about we just chill and watch a scary movie?" I asked getting up to grab a scary movie. "Yeah that's fine." He said getting up off the ground. "You wanna go watch it in the spare bedroom so we don't have to sit on the couch?" I asked. "Yeah let's go." He said as I started waking to the bedroom. I put the DVD in. I went to go get extra blankets and pillows. I came back throwing them all on the bed, I fixed them and jumped into the comfortable bed. "Ah I've been wanting to lay in bed forever." I said hugging the bed. Jonathan startled chuckling and laid on the bed. About 30 minutes into the movie I got scared and turned to Jonathan shoving my face into his chest. I wasn't the type of girl that scared easy by movies or anything else but trust me, whatever the hell we were watching it was scary as fuck.

H2O Delirious's Pov:

She got scared and hid her face into my chest. At first I stiffened up because I'm not used to being touched or being showed affection but I then relaxed and laughed a little while running my fingers through her hair. "Tell me when it's over." She said into my chest. After a minute I said "it's over you can look." She then looked up at the screen to only be scared again and put her face back into my chest. "You asshole! It was not over!" She said hitting my chest. I started laughing at her more. My crazy laugh to be exact. Which she has never heard. She brought her face up "woah! That is a cool laugh." She said. "Really? I think it's weird." I said getting embarrassed. "Nope it just sounds like your Delirious." She said winking. I then laughed a little. She then laid back down putting her head onto my chest but still looking at the screen. After the movie was over she sat up "can we put on a Disney movie?" She asked. "Yes you can. What are you scared?" I asked laughing. "Shut up! I sure as hell don't get scared easy but that shit was scary as hell!" She said putting the movie in and jumping back onto the bed, laying her head back onto my chest. After a few minutes she was out cold so I decided to go to bed. The next morning I woke up to Y/N and I wrapped up into each other cuddling. Why am I falling so hard for her? What if she hurts me. Maybe I should just trust her. Damn this girl is going to be the death of me.

I'll probably make another part to this tomorrow. I don't go to school tomorrow cause of Good Friday and I am so happy and relieved cause I don't have to be annoyed by people.


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