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Your pov:

There she goes walking out the door. Same girl and same time. How could he do this to me. He's cheating on me. He has been for 2 months now, he thinks I get off of work at a later time but I don't I've gotten off early and early enough to see what the fuck is going on. I drive up to our house unlocking the door and putting my things up. He walks up to me smiling and put his arms around my waste. I look at him in disgust. "Don't fucking touch me." I said to him trying to keep my calm. "Babe what's wrong?" He asked me. I just scoffed and walked away. He was following me and kept asking "tell me what's your problem." "Well you wanna know my problem, my problem is you." I said looking straight into his eyes showing no emotion. "What the fuck did I do" he said yelling. I chuckled "you think I'm dumb? I've seen Taylor walk out of this house for 2 months strait now." I said back to him still keeping my calm. "W-w-what? How did y-you know about that? W-why would you tell me." He asked. " it didn't seem to bother you that you guys might get caught." I said while walking up the stairs. I walked into our room and shutting the door on him making sure to lock it. I grabbed all of the things that were essential and I walked back out. "Y/N, please can we talk about this!" He said begging me. "No Evan." I said plainly. "You know actually I just want you to know Your the reason I'm like this. You broke me. Am I okay with it? I have no reason but to be okay with it. I can't go back and make you undo this. It happened, it's done with. Will I forgive you? I can forgive you, but I sure as hell won't forget. I just hope you can live with yourself knowing you broke a person to the point where all they do it cry,cry, and cry. All this time I drank you like the cure when maybe you were the poison and I don't get how you can just completely erase me from your life like that... One day we were completely fine talking about our future and the next you just disappear. Was it something I did? I could've tried to fucking fix it! You didn't even give me a fucking chance to do that and I wouldn't leave people who meant the world to me. All this time I thought you loved me. Was that just a fucking lie? My god, you broke me. You ripped me into pieces until I wasn't anything. You took my biggest fear, my biggest insecurity I have ever had and made it a reality. I'm sick and tired of this. You make me feel worth it and happy.  And now I'm nothing to you? After everything we've done together, you can just throw it all away.I'm sorry but if you miss me don't don't come crawling back to me cause I'm tired and sick of you using me. Do you even understand what it's like to love you? It hurts so much. I want to give you my all, I want to love you so much, But you don't want me. And thanks for hurting me when you promised you fucking wouldn't! Thanks for fucking leaving me when you said you fucking wouldn't!  you promised you would never leave me that you would always be here with me but here I am alone with no one to comfort me. I loved you so much you see that loved no I don't love I loved but I guess you faked loving me." I said walking out the door leaving him shocked.

Evans pov:

"You know I actually want you to know your the reason I'm like this. You broke me. Am I okay with it? I have no reason but to be okay with it. I can't go back and make you undo this. It happened, it's done with. Will I forgive you? I can forgive you, but I sure as hell won't forget. I just hope you can live with yourself knowing you broke a person to the point where all they do it cry,cry, and cry. All this time I drank you like the cure when maybe you were the poison and I don't get how you can just completely erase me from your life like that... One day we were completely fine talking about our future and the next you just disappear. Was it something I did? I could've tried to fucking fix it! You didn't even give me a fucking chance to do that and I wouldn't leave people who meant the world to me. All this time I thought you loved me. Was that just a fucking lie? My god, you broke me. You ripped me into pieces until I wasn't anything. You took my biggest fear, my biggest insecurity I have ever had and made it a reality. I'm sick and tired of this. You make me feel worth it and happy.  And now I'm nothing to you? After everything we've done together, you can just throw it all away.I'm sorry but if you miss me don't don't come crawling back to me cause I'm tired and sick of you using me. Do you even understand what it's like to love you? It hurts so much. I want to give you my all, I want to love you so much, But you don't want me. And thanks for hurting me when you promised you fucking wouldn't! Thanks for fucking leaving me when you said you fucking wouldn't!  you promised you would never leave me that you would always be here with me but here I am alone with no one to comfort me. I loved you so much you see that loved no I don't love I loved but I guess you faked loving me." She said walking away leaving me shocked. I love her I truly did and this was just another one of my fuck ups. A BIG fuck up. I just lost the love of my life. She's never going to take me back now! 2 months I've been doing this to her and I've never stopped to think maybe if she found out it will hurt her. I'm such a fucking idiot. I started bawling my eyes out watching her leave.

Your pov:

I was bawling my eyes out as I left running away in the rain. I immediately thought to run to my best friend WILDCAT's house. It was about a 16 minute walk so by time I got there I was soaked. I rang the door bell and I checked the time 2:06 am. I hope I'm not waking him up. He opened the door looking like he just woke up but as soon as he saw me his eyes went wide. "Y/N?! What are you doing outside at this time and in the soaking rain!" He asked pulling my inside. "Evan and I broke up. H-he cheated on m-e for 2 months." I said bawling my eyes out. He hurried to run and get some towels to dry me off. "Shhhh it's okay" he said while hugging me. "How about you go take a shower and change. You can spend the night here" he said quietly. I just nodded my head walking towards the bathroom to take a shower. After I was done I put on some sweatpants and a long sleeved t-shirt, braiding my hair to the side. I walked out and walked over to Tyler's room but before I walked in he was on the phone and sounded pissed "no you done fucked up Evan! Your not getting her back! I highly doubt she fucking wants your cheating ass. You try to talk to her again and I swear I will beat your fucking ass,Evan!" He said yelling into the phone and hanging up. I walked in looking at him. "You probably heard that. I'm sorry, Y/N. it just hurts me to see you hurting." He said. I just walked over to him and gave him a hug. "Lets go to sleep. I'm tired." I said to him. We both crawled into bed. He pulled me closer to him so he was spooning me I didn't mind since it was just Tyler. After about an hour when I thought he was asleep I started crying again. I really miss Evan I know I shouldn't but I do.

Tyler's pov:

It was about 5:00 am now and she was crying. She thought I was asleep but I've been waiting for her to fall asleep. I know she misses him but she shouldn't. I clutched her more. "It's okay to cry, Y/N. I understand you miss him, beautiful but you shouldn't. He should be missing you which he does." I said quietly to her. "I know but what if I never find someone that loves me? Every guy I'm with always leaves." She said really quiet. Almost so quiet I couldn't hear her. "Y/N, I love you okay? I'll always be here for you. I will never leave your side. Even if you go back to Evan it's okay." I said. She sat there for a minute. "I love you too Tyler. Thank you for being so supportive." She said. And with that we both went to sleep happy.

Catch you guys later, goodbye.

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