Vanoss: Nerd

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Your Pov:

"Y/N, where are you?" I heard Evan yelling from inside. I sat outside reading my book waiting for him to come out here and check. I then heard the door creek open.

"I should've known you would be out here reading. Gosh your such a nerd." Evan said chuckling and kissing my forehead.

"Hey I'm your nerd or am I not?" I asking frowning.

"Oh no, your definitely my nerd." Evan said as he sat next to me while I was smiling like a dork. "Poems again?" He asked as he was looking at the books.

"Yes." I said nodding as I looked into his chocolate brown eyes.

"Read one to me, please?" Evan asked politely. I nodded and looked down at the page.

" He wants to say I love you but keeps it to goodnight because love will take some falling and she's afraid of heights. " I said as I looked up at him.

"Well that's deep but I guess that's what poetry is about." He said as he grabbed a grape out of the bowl.

"Hey those are mine!" I said as I frowned.

"It's mine now sweetie. I'm going to go play games with the guys." He said as he kissed my cheek and left to go inside.

"I love you." I whispered but I knew he couldn't hear. Oh how I wish I could just say it back to him. Why is it so hard for me? I'll wait for a good time to tell him, I thought to myself.

Catch you guys later, Goodbye.


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