Ohmwrecker x Sapphire x Mini Ladd (requested)

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This one shot was requested by bananaminion666  I hope you like it! Sorry if it's not the best!

Sapphire's Pov:

I sat there on the cold hard floor crying my eyes out while my whole body hurt. I was so scared to even make one little sound so I waited a while to make sure he left. Why am I scared to make any noise you might ask? Well my abusive boyfriend came home drunk off his ass. I did something wrong so he got mad at me so he decided to hit me and threw one of his alcohol bottles at me which cause my stomach to have a big gash. I slowly stood up and made my way to the bathroom to check out the cut. As I looked down at it I started sobbing.

"Stop crying like a baby! I could have hurt you way worse! I'm leaving to go out with friends for the weekend! Don't be whoring around!" He had yelled at me from downstairs.

I hurried and fixed up my stomach and jumped in the shower. As I got out my phone started ringing.

"Hey Luke! What's up?" I asked as I was trying to sound happy.

"Hey Sapphire! Do you think it's fine if Ohm, Marcel, and I come by your house to have a little gaming session. They are visiting and we are all bored." Luke said.

"Yes that's fine! Text me when your like 10 minutes away." I said as I was picking out an outfit.

"Okay. I'll get there first cause they aren't riding with me." He said as I heard a car door shut.

"Alright talk to you later." I said as I hung up the phone.

"Fuck I need to clean up the glass!" I said aloud as I was getting dressed. After I was done I hurried downstairs to clean up the mess.
After an hour of cleaning the house Luke texted me saying he was here. Suddenly the door opened. "I'm here bitch!" Luke yelled jokingly.

"Wow what a great way to greet your sister!" I said laughing and walking over to him.

"Where's your douchbag of a boyfriend." He said as he gave me a hug. "If he's hurt you again I'll beat his ass."

"He left to go out with the guys. And Luke it's been 3 months since that happened, no he hasn't hurt me since then. It won't ever happen again." I said as a put a fake smile on my face. "He loves me very much." I said quietly.

"If he does please tell me. I trust you enough that you would. I just think you should break up with him." Luke said as he was looking at me. "Anyways let's start playing games cause they won't be here for awhile." Luke said as he sat down on the couch while grabbing a controller.

*** time skip ***

"Luke I won fair and square! Deal with it!" I said yelling and laughing at the same time.

"Oh yeah I bet you'll give up once I do this!" He said as he started tickling me. Usually I would start laughing but he was touching my stomach which had the cut on it so I screamed out in pain.

"Stop it Luke! That hurts!" I said as tears started streaming down my face.

"Why does it hurt?" He asked worried and trying to pull up my shirt.

"Stop I just had a cramp!" I said pulling my shirt back down.

"Sapphire! Show me now!" He said in a serious voice. I slowly pulled up my shirt to reveal the huge cut I had on my stomach. "Omg Sapphire. Who did this?" He asked quietly.

"Zach, my boyfriend." I said looking down ashamed.

"I trusted you to tell me and you just lied! You need to leave him now! This shit is abuse and you need to leave!" Luke said as he raised his voice.

"Luke please calm dow-" I was cut of by the doorbell going off. I got up to get it but Luke grabbed my arm pulling me back.

"We will discuss this later." He said. I turned back to the door opening it to reveal Marcel and Ohm.

"Marcel, Ohm!" I yelled as I gave them both a hug.

"Why was CaRtOoNz yelling?" Marcel asked as he pulled out of the hug.

"We were fighting over who won the game" I said chuckling

"Let's get to gaming!" Ohm said as we went into the living room.

After hours of playing video games, eating, talking about random things. It was about 2 in the morning. "Oh guys I'm so tired." Marcel said stretching. "So am I." I said agreeing with him. Suddenly the door opened. We all turned to see who it was and it was Zach. "Oh uh Zach why uh are you here? You told me you were going away for the we-" I got cut of by him interrupting me. "You stupid bitch! Of course you would be cheating on me the second I leave! I thought I taught you a lesson last night." He yelled very loudly then slapping me causing me to get even more scared.

"I don't know who you are or who you think you are slapping her but you need to fucking leave!" Ohm said getting up and walking towards Zach.

Then all of a sudden Marcel was on top of Zach punching the shit out of him while Luke was yelling at Zach.

Suddenly I broke down crying. I couldn't take all of it. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. I couldn't cope with what's going on. I hurried and ran upstairs into my room. I sat there on my bed crying while listening to all the yelling. After 30 minutes it all stopped. It got quite and I heard footsteps. Someone then knocked on my door. "Sapphire can you please open the door? It's Ohm and Marcel." Ohm said as he lightly knocked. I got up off my bed, slowly walking to the door. When I opened it, it revealed Ohm and Marcel smiling lightly. I ran into both of their arms, hugging them.

"Sapphire. You should have told us what was going on. You should have told Luke of all people." Ohm said quietly.

"You should have left him right away." Marcel said as he gave me a sad look.

"I know, I know. I was just scared that he would find me and hurt me way worse." I said ashamed as I looked down.

"Well we handled him and he's gone." Marcel said quietly as he grabbed my chin tilting it up.

"He won't ever be back to hurt you again and we BOTH will be sure of that." Ohm said smiling. As they both gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

I'm really sorry Sapphire if this isn't good. I tried my best but as you can tell I changed a little bit around and added a few more things. I hope everyone has an amazing day! Catch you guys later, Goodbye.

- TooInsanelyBlue

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