SilentDroidd: beach

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David = Daithi De Nogla
Brian = Terroriser
Arlan = SilentDroidd

Your pov:

"Come one guys!! I wanna gooooo." I said yelling at the guys. Lui Calibre, SilentDroidd, Daithi De Nogla, Terroriser and I were currently in San Diego at Lui's house. We all are gonna take a chill day and just go to the beach to have some fun. The guys were taking forever to get ready. Damn boys complain about girls taking forever but they take forever. I decided to go ahead and head out to the truck to blast some jams. After about 10 minutes the guys came out with everything, I rolled down the window. "It's about damn time!" I said yelling at them. "Shut up young lady!" Lui said in his squeaker voice. Everyone got in to go to the beach. It took about 20 minutes to get to the beach. We all got out and I ran to Arlan jumping onto his back. "Well damn Y/N." he said laughing. "To the beach we go fuckers." I said and we all started to run. I got off of Arlan's back and started to set up the stuff like our blanket and towels while the guys when out to the water.
"Y/N get over here ye missin all the fun." David yelled at me. "Okay hang on!" I said yelling back. I looked over at Arlan and god he looked so handsome. He was playing with the guys like such a child. Yes I'm in love with Arlan. He's so adorable. He definitely would make a good father some day. Hopefully the father of my kid. Probably won't ever happen but hey a girl can dream. While I was staring at him he looked at me and smiled. I immediately got embarrassed and turned away. I took off my shorts and left my t-shirt on and ran out to the water. Brian and David ran up to me while Lui and Arlan were still playing in the water. They looked at me and both said "really?" "What?" I asked them. "Y/N, take your t-shirt off. Your not ugly Y/N." David said to me. "Ye, your gorgeous
Y/N! Any ways you can impress Arlan." Brian said smiling at me. My face got red. "How do you know I like him?! Did Lui tell you?!" I asked getting nervous. "No no. We can tell by the way you look at him Y/N. He looks at you the same way too." David said. "Well I'm just so ner-" I was cut off by Arlan yelling. "Come on Y/N!!" I took off my t-shirt and walked over to him, sticking my feet into the water. The water was kinda cold but not to bad. Arlan then looked at me smirking, in that minute I knew what he was going to do so I tried to run but he caught me and threw me over his shoulders. Oh no. "Arlan what are you doing." I asked him. He kept walking out more into the water. "Aww gorgeous your definitely gonna hate me after this." He said. I felt tingly when he said gorgeous. "Stop fuc-" I was cut off by cold water hitting my body. I immediately jumped up and looked at Arlan. He was smirking at me. He look hot as hell by the way. Y/N snap out of it! Stop thinking like that damn. I grabbed him and pulled him under the water with me and all of a sudden I felt a pair of lips on mine. Arlan was kissing me! Soon as I knew what was going on I started to kiss him back. We both pulled apart and went up for air. When we looked around the guys were smirking at us. "Oh shut up." Arlan said laughing. We all started laughing. Arlan grabbed my hand pulling me up to the shore. "I like you a lot if you couldn't tell." He said looking down at me. "Well if you couldn't tell either, I like you a lot too." I said to him smiling. He then pulled me into a big hug. I started laughing and hugged him back. I heard  him sniffle. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked pulling away from him. "It's really gonna suck when you go back home." He said looking down. "Yeah but it's okay we can do long distance right?" I asked him. "How about you move here? Then you can hang out with Lui and I all the time!" He said getting excited. "I'll think about it. But I don't have anywhere to stay." I said looking at him. "Hun you can stay with me!" He said smiling. I started laughing then Lui, Brian, and David walked up to us. "So how ye 2 love birds doin?" David asked. "She might move in with me!" Arlan said yelling at them excitedly. "Woah calm down I'm still thinking about it." I said laughing. "Yes! Then you can hang out with the amazing Lui Calibre!" Lui said in his squeaker voice. "That's definitely the reason I would move here." I said moving over to Lui and putting my arm around him. "Hey hey hey I just got you I'm not losing you now." Arlan said pulling me towards him. I started laughing. "Alright guys I'm tired let's go home." I said looking at all the guys. "Ye I agree." Brian said. "Alright lets go" Lui said as we all started laughing. Arlan then grabbed my hand. I looked up at him smiling he then pecked my lips. Damn I sure did get lucky.

This one is kinda shitty but the one tomorrow is more long and I think a little better in my opinion anyways catch you guys later, goodbye.


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