Mini Ladd: Q&A

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Your Pov:

"Come on Y/N! Everyone has been dying to find out who you are." Craig said as he was pulling my arm.

" I already told you I didn't want to do it. I'm just not ready." I said as I started eating my cereal.

"Y/N you have 10 Million subscribers! It's not like I'm asking you to do a face reveal. Maybe you could tell that we are dating." He said smiling.

"God you are to cute." I said laughing and messing up his hair.

"So you'll do it? You don't even have to answer the ones that you don't want to." Craig said getting very excited.

"Fine I'll do it." I said pecking his lips.

"Yes!!!" I'll go set the stuff up.

After a few minutes I heard Craig yelling "Y/N I GOT IT ALL SET UP!" As he ran down the stairs . "Okay I'll tweet it out." I said smiling. "Okay let's go." He said grabbing my hand and pulling me upstairs.

*** time skip to after the video ***

"Craig I don't know about posting this. It's just that it has personal things plus you and I dating. What if they don't like that? What if I lose subscribers just cause it. What if the-" I was cut off by Craig kissing me.

"Calm down, everything will be fine. I promise." He said smiling down at me.

Mini Ladd's Pov:

I stood in the kitchen as I was watching Y/N edit her video. She's always been really nervous about people knowing things about her or seeing her. No one knows what she looks like except for me and the guys of course. I don't know why she's like that cause she's absolutely an amazing person and she is absolutely gorgeous. Everyone would love her. Everyone already does but everyone is dying to see what she looks like but I don't want to pressure into doing things. I know I kinda did today but it's just cause her fans deserve to know a little about her and I was hoping she would tell them that we are dating cause I'm proud that we are.

"I'm done! There wasn't to much to edit out." She said getting up and walking over to me.

"You didn't edit out my screaming right?" I asked her chuckling.

"Nope unfortunately I left it in there. RIP headphone users." She said laughing a little and giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Hopefully people like it." She said nervously.

"They will honey." I said smiling at her. "How about we watch a movie and cuddle?" I asked her as I picked her up bridal style.

"I would love that." She said kissing me on the lips.

Catch you guys later, goodbye.


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