Ohmwrecker: Birthday

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Your Pov:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I had to get up at 5:00am so I could make Ryan a birthday breakfast. He wakes up so early and I wanted to surprise him. I hurried and quietly walked downstairs into the kitchen. I got out the pancake batter, the bacon, some eggs, and some fruit. After I finished I heard a few noises coming from up stairs so I grabbed his coffee and the plate. As I walked up the stairs I about spilt all of "fuck" I whispered to myself. I walked into his room laughing a little to myself cause of how stupid and clumsy I was. Ryan was laying in his bed on his phone.

***picture of the food lol***

"What are you laughing at?" He asked still not looking at me

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"What are you laughing at?" He asked still not looking at me. I then frowned.

"Since you won't look at me I could just eat all of this on my own." I said joking with him.

"Wha-" he then looked up at me holding the food.

"Y/N you are the sweetest. You didn't have to do this." He said smiling and taking the plate.

"I wanted to." I said smiling and kissing his cheek. "After all you really do deserve it. You deserve the whole world." I said looking down at my hands smiling to myself.

"And so do you sweetie." Ryan said as he started eating. "This is fucking amazing."

"Thank you! Well after you get done eating we have a big day. I'm going to take you, CaRtOoNz and Delirious out to do fun things." I said as I got up to go get ready. I left the room and headed to the bathroom to get ready which only took a few minutes.

"Are you done? The guys are here!" Ryan yelled from downstairs.

"Yes!" I yelled as I walked out of the bathroom and headed downstairs.

*** your outfit ***

"You look gorgeous as always

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"You look gorgeous as always." Ryan said as he was smiling big.

"Thank you kind sir." I said smiling. "Hey thank you so much coming Luke and Jonathan." I said as I gave both of them hugs.

"Hey anything for you and our home boy Ohmie." Luke said as he put his arm around Ryan's shoulder.

"Yeah man your getting fucking old." Jonathan said while laughing

"Well fuck you too." Ryan said chuckling.

"Alright is everyone ready to go?" I asked as I locked up the dogs and opened the door to walk out.

"Yes let's get going." Luke said as they all walked out. I locked the front door then followed them to the car.

"So where are we going." Ryan asked as Luke started driving.

"It's a surprise duh." Luke chuckled out.

After a few minutes we arrived at the paint ball place. "Fuck yes." Ryan said as he got out. We started chuckling. He then walked over to me. "You are the best girlfriend ever I hope you know that." He said as he grabbed my hand.

"Oh I know Ryan, I'm just amazing. I mean my god you should worship me." I said as I started chuckling.

"Yeah Ohm you don't even deserve her." Jonathan said laughing along.

"Shut up assholes." Ryan said laughing.

After we finished paint balling we all went to get ice cream then we went back to our house to have a bomb fire. As soon as we got it started we went inside to grab a few drinks and some food then we heard noises that sounded like it was raining. We grabbed the things we needed and went outside to find it pouring. "Of course on my birthday." Ryan said frowning. I stood there thinking for a minute then I grabbed Ryan hand and pulled him into the rain. "Come on guys." I said talking to CaRtOoNz and Delirious. They soon ran out to us. We were like little kids having so much fun.

"Thank you so much Y/N. you don't understand how much I appreciate this." He said kissing me on the lips. "I love you."

"I love you too." I said as I kissed him back.

"Get a room ew." Luke yelled out.

"My eyes." Jonathan said covering his eyes.

"Shut up" Ryan and I said at the same time while chuckling.

Catch you guys later, Goodbye.


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