Vanoss: Fake girlfriend

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(Picture edits aren't mine!)
Vanoss Gaming: Evan
(Some people don't know there real names)

Your Pov:

I was walking back to my apartment coming from the book store. I was minding my own business, like I always do but I heard a group of guys talking in a sketchy alley. So I turned my attention to them closely listening. "Where's your girlfriend man?" Asked one man. "Yeah did you make her up?" Someone else asked. I looked at the guy they were talking to and he was cute. He could probably honestly take them on by my the look on his face he made that girl up so I decided to help. I walked up to the mysterious cute guy and grabbed his hand causing our fingers to interlock. "I'm his girlfriend so I suggest you guys fuck off." I said looking at the 4 guys.

Evan's Pov:

Someone came up to me grabbing my hand causing them to interlock fingers. "I'm his girlfriend so I suggest you guys fuck off." The girl said looking at the 4 guys. Who the fuck is this? Why is she helping me? I haven't ever seen her around here but damn she was gorgeous. "Then what's her name Evan." Thomas asked me. I started to panic. I don't know this girls name. I don't even know anything about her! "My name is Y/N. Now if you don't mind us we will be going." She said pulling me away from the guys.

Your Pov:

"Then what's her name Evan." One of the guys asked. "My name is Y/N. Now if you don't mind us we will be going." I said walking away with this man so called Evan. "I could have handled that myself." He whispered. I hurried and kissed his cheek "there still watching, shut up." I whispered in his ear. We kept on walking acting like we were all lovey. When we finally got far enough where they couldn't see us. "You owe me a favor now." I said walking away from him. "I didn't ask you for my help." He said back. I stopped, turning around, facing him. "Sure looked like you did." I said smiling at him. "I'm Evan." He said holding out his hand. "I'm Y/N." I said shaking his hand. "Ya know fake girlfriend, they are just going to show up again and wonder where you are." He said smirking. "Okay to be honest, you can take all those guys but I guess I'll just have to stick around to be your fake girlfriend." I said smiling. "Oooorrr we could get to know each other and you can be my real girlfriend." He said winking. I easily laughed. "That was slick" I said rolling my eyes playfully. "But yes I would like that." I said smiling into Evans chocolate brown eyes. He then grabbed my hand pulling me into a cafe.

(Flash back ended)

Your Pov:

"I remember that day" I said laughing. "I thought you were the most gorgeous thing ever and here you were trying to play my fake girlfriend." Evan said chuckling. "I can't believe it's been a year since that happened. Imagine what if I just left you there and didn't help." I said looking into his chocolate eyes. The ones I fell in love with. "Then I wouldn't have a wonderful, gorgeous girlfriend." He said smiling and pulling me onto his lap. "And I wouldn't have a dumbass boyfriend that I can game with." I said laughing a little bit at him. "Hey hey hey!" He said frowning. "I'm just kidding your adorable, hot, and an amazing boyfriend that I can game with." I said kissing his lips.

This one sucks ass too sorry lol. I'm at school, I've only been here for 20 minutes and I already want to leave. Catch you guys later, goodbye.


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