BasicallyIDoWrk: Blind date (requested)

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(Requested by WYDGURL )

**This one shot is based on you being blind. If you don't like that I suggest you not to read this one**

You're Pov:

"Kelly I don't know about this." I told Kelly, wildcats girlfriend.

"Trust me Y/N! I've met Marcel personally and he is amazing." She said as she did my make up.

"I'm blind for god sakes. Who's gonna like some blind chick." I said sadly.

"Y/N! Don't you dare say that! He will love you because you are amazing, gorgeous, funny, and most of all because you're you. If he doesn't like you because your blind then he can get lost but trust me, he will love you." Kelly said as she was fixing my dress.

"Kelly thank you so much. Your the most amazing friend I've ever had." I said smiling at her.

"Aw right back at ya girl. Alright your ready and you look absolutely gorgeous, trust me." Kelly said as she took my hand and led me down stairs. "Okay he is outside waiting for you."

"Kelly I don't want to do this anymore." I said getting very anxious.

"Y/N I promise you will be okay. Have fun now." She said as she opened the door.

"Ah Marcel your here! She's right there." She said I'm guessing she was pointing at me.

"Y/N you look gorgeous." Marcel said as he took my hand.

"I would say you're handsome but I can't." I said chuckling.

"Trust me I am." He said chuckling.

"Oh gosh your full of yourself." I said laughing as I got into the car.

"Nah I was just kidding I'm a chubby one." He said as he started the car.

"Hey that's not a bad thing. As long as your a nice guy then it's okay." I said as I twiddled with my hands.

After a few minutes we had arrived to where ever he was taking me.

"What are we doing?" I asked as I held his hand.

"Oh I thought we could go look at the sta-" Marcel said but didn't finish.

I know he wanted to go sight seeing and stuff. Kelly had mentioned that he loved that stuff but he can't have that when he is with me.

"It's okay. We can go I know you love that stuff." I said smiling.

"No no this isn't about me. I want to do something we both like." Marcel said as he let go of my hand.

"Umm we could go to the park orrr the movies. Fuck! I'm so sorry Y/N! I'm not doing this on purpose I swear it's just hard to pick something and I'm just so fucking nervous." Marcel said as he grabbed my hand again.

"It's okay Marcel." I said chuckling. "We can go out to eat if you want to."

"Yes that would be perfect!" He said as he led me back to the car.

After a few minutes of driving we arrived.

"Where are we eating at?" I asked as I sat down.

" Olive Garden is that okay?" Marcel asked me.

"Yeah I've never been here before." I said back to him.

After we ordered the food and ate we started asking simple questions about each other he finally asked a serious one.

"If you don't mind me asking but how did you become blind? Or were you just born like that?" Marcel asked.

"No I wasn't born blind. At the age 21 I was in a bad car accident with a drunk driver. I had glass all on my eyes and a lot of stuff had got my face so obviously they took the glass out but they said I wouldn't ever be able to see again. I can barely see objects though. Like squares and stuff." I said as started twiddling with my hands.

"I'm so sorry. I hate ignorant people like that. If it weren't for that drunk driver you wouldn't be in this situation." Marcel said grabbing my hand.

"Hey everything happens for a reason. At least I'm alive though and at least I met you." I said smiling.

"I'm glad your alive and I'm glad I met you too. You truly are an amazing person and i want to continue this but as you being my girlfriend. I know it's early cause we are only on our first date but you are a wonderful, gorgeous person." Marcel said as he squeezed my hands.

"Marcel I would love to be your girlfriend. If I could see you I would kiss you so you kiss me." I said chuckling. His lips then found mine. They were warm, soft, and just wonderful. This is truly someone I want to be with.

Catch you guys later, Goodbye.

- TooInsanelyBlue

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