Lui Calibre: You scared me

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"I'm sorry okay!" Lui had yelled at me. "Whatever." I said walking out of the door. As soon as I was out I sprinted down the road. I wasn't leaving him. I just need some space. I know he thinks I'm leaving. I would never though. I love Lui so much he's just really over protective. I had to go eat dinner for work and of course I work with guys so they had to go so he was all pissed about it saying I was cheating. I would never cheat on Lui and he would never cheat on me. It took me about 13 minutes to get to the park. No one was there so I just sat down on a swing and started crying. I was just sitting there crying and thinking about things. I was there for about an hour and decided I needed to get home before the sun sets. When I was about to open the door it flys open revealing Lui. He pulled me into a hug while he was bawling his eyes out. Lui was very sensitive and protective after what happened. His mom passed away due to cancer and that's the time I met him (no his mom didn't really get cancer and die!) He was broken so was I so we fixed each other and we so happen to fall in love. I look up at Lui since he was taller than me. "I-I-I thought you left me, Y/N" he sobbed out. "Lui, hun, I would never leave you." I said quietly to him. "I love you so much and I'm sorry." He said to me. "I love you so much and I'm sorry too." I said back to him. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just needed some air." I said. "It's okay." He spoke while pulling me into the living room. "Wanna play video games then watch a movie!" He said in his squeaker voice. I started laughing "yes Lui that would be great." I said kissing him.

Catch you guys later, goodbye.


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