Daithi De Nogla: 2 year break

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(Wait to play the song until I tell you to)

Your Pov:

"Why would he leave me!?" I cried out. "I know, I know Y/N but he left us too." Evan said hugging me tightly. I sat there that night crying in front of all of my friends and David's friends. He left me. He officially left. He left a note not telling any of us where he was going but that he needed time off. Time off from fucking what? From us caring for him? From his fans supporting him? Now we are the ones that have to tell them that he left. The dude can't even do it on his own. He didn't even have the guts to tell me. That night happened 2 years ago and I've been a mess ever since then. Everyone could tell that I was depressed and that I was just absolutely broken. They all tried to help and sometimes they did but they knew the only one who could fix me is the one who broke me. He isn't coming back. He never will. He started uploading again and playing with the guys. He hasn't even tried to talk to me nor has he asked about me. Guess I'm just that easy to forget.

David's Pov:

"David you need to come back. It's been 2 years and she's a mess. She's worse than a mess. She is so fucking depressed and we all are trying to help her but she needs you!" Wildcat yelled over the phone. "I'm coming. I'm coming home. I'll be there tomorrow and I'll surprise her." I told him as I was packing. He sighed. "You can't just expect to surprise her and everything is going to be alright. You hurt her so bad Nogla." He said. "I know, I know, and I regret it." I said getting upset.

*** time skip ***

Your Pov:

"Come on Y/N! Please you need to get out there! Get back into the dating game!" Tyler's girlfriend, Kelly said pulling on my arm. "No I'm done." I said pulling away from her. Tyler and Evan then walked into my room. "Please Y/N. go for us at least. Have fun with us." Evan said. "Yeah it doesn't have to be about finding a boyfriend it can be about hanging with friends." Tyler said smiling. "I don't even have anything to wear." I said standing up. "I can dress you!" Kelly said smiling. "Fine I'll go." I said giving in. "Hell yes!" Kelly yelled. After an hour Kelly finally was done getting herself and I done. "Kelly I don't know about this dress. I feel like it about shows to much of my boobs. Like it hangs low." I said looking down at myself.

***your dress***

"Oh shut the hell up! Your rocking it! Let's go get the others opinion

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"Oh shut the hell up! Your rocking it! Let's go get the others opinion." She said pulling me down stairs. "Holy shit." Evan said as I walked down. "You look amazing!" Evan said. "Thank you!" I said blushing. "Okay let's get going!" Kelly said smiling. Once we arrived at some party place I got nervous. What am I doing here? I asked myself. I should be at home waiting on David to come back. What? Why did I say that? He isn't coming back so no I shouldn't wait on him! I was soon snapped out of my thoughts by all the people pushing me around. An hour passed and I was bored out of my mind. "Kelly I'm leaving." I said grabbing my purse. "Just stay for one more song. Please?" She said smiling. "Fine." I said as I sat back down. "Hey guys! I wrote this song for a special someone. I hope she likes it." The familiar voice said.

***play song now!***

"Your looks could kill
the pain I feel.
Your thrills are all I want to gain.
I've been hoping and soul searching
to find It in the one
I am Wondering How you Wondered in
Im asking Are you staying? Or would you like to stay in?
Cause I
Love to live and I live for you. I live to love and I love you.
Your lips could heal the scars they deal
Your unreal, so surreal, that your mine.
I've been wishing and day dreaming.
Ineffable unexplainable come rain or shine.
I love to live and I live for you. I live to love and I love you."

It was him. It was David. I was standing up so I could see a better look at the man and sure enough it was David. I was flattered but he thinks he can sing a song and everything is going to be alright? I was mad so I grabbed my things and stormed out. I don't know where I was going and I don't know how I would get there so I just ran. I ran as far and as fast as I could down the street. After 10 minutes of walking I broke down. I couldn't take it anymore so I let it out. Then out of no where 2 lengthy arms wrapped around me. I didn't care to look up because I knew who it was. David. "Shhh it's going to be okay. I'm here now." He whispered gently. "No! That's the point." I yelled pulling away. "Your here now? But where were you when I really needed you the most? Why did you leave me to break?" I said as tears ran down my face. He stood up and ran his hands trough his hair. "I just needed some time off from YouTube, friends, and you." He said. The last part broke my heart. "Fine. Well you had your "little" break but I don't want to see you ever again." I said shaking my head and turning to walk away. "Are you serious? Your gonna walk away like that?!" He yelled. I sighed. Truth is I don't want to leave him. I don't want to break him like he broke me. "what did you do David? You walked away." I said calmly. "But I came back!" He yelled as his voice broke. "You came back 2 years later. You talked and played games with the boys and never once tried to contact me. You know how hurt I was? What makes me mad is you needed a break from friends and me but we are the ones who help you and support you all the time plus your fans." I said. He let out a sob which broke my heart even more. I hated seeing him cry. I walked over to him and slowly wrapped my arms around him to give him a hug. He started bawling his eyes out. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry Y/N! I didn't mean to hurt you!" He said as he sobbed. "I won't leave you but it's going to take some time for me to heal." I said pulling away from him. All he did was nod. I wiped the tears from him face, fixed his hair for him and smiled. He then smashed his lips onto mine. I was scared. I didn't know what to do. My mind told me don't do it he broke you but my heart kept pulling towards him. I then melted into the kiss. After a minute I pulled away. "Fuck!" I said turning around and putting my head into my hands. I let a few tears slip by. "What's wrong?" He asked getting worried. "I'm letting you in so easily but what if you leave again." I said not looking into his eyes. "I won't. I'm here to stay and if I leave, I'll be sure to take you with me." He said kissing my forehead. "I love you Y/N and I always will." He said gently.

Catch you guys later, goodbye.


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