Bryce Games: Show him around

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Your Pov:

"miss Y/N, can you please go down to the office. Mr. Lyn needs to talk to you." My teacher said as I finished up writing.

I got up from my desk and grabbed everything I had brought to class. I then felt the anxiety as I walked to the front of the class to leave as everyone stared at me. "Stop staring and get back to work!" Mrs. Kelt said as she started reading her book again. As I left the classroom and started walking towards the office I began wondering what they needed. Surely I wasn't in trouble. I hadn't done anything wrong so I wouldn't understand why I would be. As soon as I know it I was at the office. "Hun what do you need?" One of the office lady asks. "They called me down here for some reason." I said looking very unsure. "Oh yes duh." She said chuckling. "Just go into his office." She said point at Mr. Lyn's door. As I walked in he was sitting down while talking to another boy. "Oh yes Y/N! I need you to show Bryce around. He's new so just take him to a few of his classes and we will excuse you from your classes as you are showing him." Mr. Lyn said smiling. "Uh okay." I said as I looked at Bryce and motioned him to follow me. As we walked out of the office I asked to see his schedule.

"Okay you have almost all classes with me except for 2 which is Gym and Health." I said looking up into his blue eyes

"Okay that's great. You seem nice so that's good." He said flashing a million dollar smile and laughing.

"God your definitely tall." I said laughing along with him.

"Oh here's your first class. We can always walk together until you learn where everything is." I said stopping at the door.

"Yeah I think it would be better if we walked together just until I get used to it." He said smiling.

"So why did you move here?" I asked looking at his schedule.

"My dad got a job here. I was sad to be leaving my friends but I'm glad I get to meet new people." He said excitedly

"Well can I be your first new friend?" I asked him as I was chuckling.

"Hell yes you can! Sorry I didn't catch your name?" He said looking at me.

"Oh it's Y/N." I said turning towards him and sticking out my hand

"Well Y/N, I'm Bryce. It's nice to meet you." He said smiling and shaking my hand. "I can tell we're gonna be good friends." He added on.

After I showed him all of his classes the bell for dismissal finally rung. I hurried to my locker, grabbed my things and headed home.

*** time skip past a month ***

"Bryce stop." I said laughing as he was.

"Oh gosh I always love making you laugh." He said chuckling. "I'm going to go get us some more drinks. I'll be right back." He said as he was walking away.

I stood there looking down at my phone hoping he would hurry back. After a few minutes someone came up behind me and started groping me.

"Hey what the fuck?" I said turning around and pushing the guy off of me.

"Babe don't be like that. Just let it happen." He slurred out.

He then pushed his lips onto mine sticking his tongue down my throat. His breath and himself  smelt like vodka.

I shoved him off "I said fuck off!" I said trying to walk away but he grabbed my arm tightly.

"She said leave so fucking leave!" Bryce said as he walked up. "Get your hands off of her!" Bryce said in an angry tone.

The guy put up his hands as if he was surrendering and he walked off.

I stood there scared but then I was embraced by Bryce's arms. "Your okay now. No one gonna do that to you again. Do you want to leave?" He whispered to me calmly.

"Yeah let's leave." I said grabbing his hand and pulling him outside to the car.

He got into the drivers side and started driving. "Thank you so much Bryce." I finally said as I looked at the side of his face. He then pulled the car into the driveway of my house.

" your welcome Y/N. I'm sorry I didn't get there fast enough." He said with sad eyes.

"Hey it's not your fault. I'm just glad you were there to stop him." I said looking into his blue eyes. We sat there for a few minutes looking at each other when we both started leaning in. When our lips finally touched there were sparks going off. We pulled apart out of breath but we were both smiling like little kids on Christmas Day.

"I know it's late but do you want to come inside to watch a movie with me." I asked him as I was smiling and still trying to catch my breath.

"Yes I would love that." He said smiling back at me and getting out of the car.

We both got out of the car and headed inside quietly. "My parents aren't home, they are on a business trip so we don't have to be too quiet." I said as I picked out a movie.

"Oh okay that's fine. How long are they going to be gone?" He asked me as he sat down on the couch.

"About 2 weeks. Okay I'll be right back, I have to go get blankets and pillows." I said walking away.

Bryce's Pov:

"About 2 weeks. Okay I'll be right back, I have to go get blankets and pillows." She said as she walked away.

God I was absolutely head over heals for this girl and I haven't even known her for that long. She was absolutely the most perfect girl ever.

"Okay here's your blanket and pillows." She said dropping them on top of my head.

"Hey there was no need for that!" I said chuckling at the end.

After a few minutes we then got settled down and watched the horror movie. Every so often Y/N would stick her head into my chest or grab onto me but hey I wasn't complaining, I thought it was absolutely cute. After the movie ended I got up and went for the door.

"It's 2:00 AM so I better get going." I said as I put on my jacket.

"Well um Bryce? I was wondering if you could stay the night?" She asked as she twiddled with her fingers.

"Aww is someone scared by the movie?" I asked laughing a little. "Oh course I'll stay." I said as I walked back to the coach and laid down with her.

"Thank you." She said smiling then kissing my cheek.


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