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I woke up at 5:48 am with ringing in my ears. Wildcat was calling. "That's weird. Why the hell would he call me 5 in the morning!?" I thought to myself. As I answered the phone I heard very loud music and screaming.

Y= you
W= wildcat
(I'm going to spell things weird when he talks since he's drunk talking)

Y: Wildcat?! Is everything okay? Why are you calling me 5 in the morning?
W: ahhh te beautiful Y/N! Ermmm yo should sooooo come to this awesome party!!!
Y: Tyler? Are you drunk? Where are you at let me pick you come.
W: nah babe. I got tooo many beetches on me diiick!
Y: Tyler in not fucking around! Where the fuck are you?!
W: I'm just at the Blue coast bar. Calm down!!!!

I hung up on him and rushed to get my clothes on. Just throwing jeans and a sweatshirt on with vans. I ran outside to my car. "Why does he have to do this right now! Ugh! I'm so tired! He knows he isn't supposed to get drunk cause of how stupid he acts!" I screamed in my head. A few minutes later I had pulled up to the bar. I hurried jumped out of the car and marched inside to get this dumbass. I paid to get in then had to walk through tons of sweaty bodies. I finally spotted him with some chick on his lap. I calmly walked up to him and said "we need to leave now." "No! Can't you see I'm having fun! Fuck off" he said while rolling his eyes. I grabbed his ear and started pulling him up he was soon following me. We went into the car while he was whining saying he can talk care of his self. "I'm gonna take you home okay?" I spoke. "Okay" is all he said. During the whole car ride we were both silent I think he was kinda sobering up a little or maybe not I don't know. As soon as we pulled up to his house I walked him to the door. He unlocked it and motioned me inside. We got into his room and I tucked him into bed and went to go get him a glass of water. "Drink some water, okay?" I said while sitting beside him. He chugged the water and laid back down. "Okay I'm going to go back to my house. Call me when you get up" I spoke softly. He stretched out his arm and wrapped it around my waste pulling me into him. "No please just stay the night! Pleeease!" He whined. I signed then got under the blankets with him. He pulled me closer into his chest and kissed my forehead. "Good night Y/N, I love you." He said softly "Good Night love" I said back falling into a deep sleep.

Catch you guys later, goodbye.

Banana bus crew--one shots Where stories live. Discover now