Ohmwrecker: Please stay

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Your Pov:

"Please don't leave me Ryan." I cried out as I was hanging onto him with all of my will.

"It's for the best Y/N. don't you understand I'm trying to help you." He said turning back to look at me.

"If you want to help me then why don't you stay! I need you Ryan!" I said crying out while yelling.

I sat there watching him walk out the door with tears running down his face. "I need you." I whispered as more tears started streaming down my face.

***flashback over***

That happened over 1 year ago and I still wasn't over it. I still loved Ryan but he didn't need to know that. I tried to act so happy in my videos and on my streams. I tried to hide everything. The only person who knew about me still loving Ohm was Kelly, Wildcats girlfriend. She alway tried to push me to confess but I couldn't bring myself to it. I haven't talked to him since that night. Plus he's probably moved on. He looks so happy too. If only he knew.


Ohmwrecker/Ryan's Pov:

"I can't do this anymore Luke!" I said as I had tears streaming down my face. "I love her and she doesn't even fucking know it!" I screamed over the phone.

"Ryan calm down! Everything is going to be okay." Luke said trying to sound calm.

"No it's fucking not! I'm to late. I left her when I shouldn't have." I said yelling even louder.

"Dude shut the fuck up and listen to me. Y/N doesn't have a boyfriend. She's single. Maybe she feels the same way but you won't ever know if you don't try. Just text her confessing everything. I'm sure she will understand." Luke explained to me as I was pacing the room.

"I don't know if I can do it. What if I get denied. I can't take that much damage." I said as I spoke into the phone.

"What if she doesn't deny you. What if she wants to be with you just as bad. Listen Ohm, I have to go but please consider texting her." He said as he hung up.


Your Pov:

"Y/N come on please come with us. Maybe you'll find a cute guy." Kelly said as she was pulling my arm.

"I want Ryan, no one else and you know that." I said looking down at my phone.

"Fine I'll let you stay but I'm going to be checking up on you, okay?" She said as she started walking out.

"Okay mom!" I yelled back as I rolled my eyes chuckling. After Kelly left my eyes started to get droopy and I decided a little nap won't hurt. After a 2 hour nap I woke up to my phone going off.

"Hey Girlie! It's Kelly! I'm bringing you some ice cream. Do you want Y/F/I/C (your favorite ice cream)

"Fuck yes!!! Thank you so much Kelly!" I said getting exited then hanging up. I then noticed that I had a message from the one and only Ryan. As I read it I started tearing up from happiness. I get like all the weight had left my shoulders. I was beyond happy.

***the text message he sent and you sent***

***the text message he sent and you sent***

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As a few minutes past the door bell rang

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As a few minutes past the door bell rang. I got up nervously and answered the door. It revealed the one and only guy I loved, Ryan. He then engulfed me in a tight hug. "I missed you so much." I cried out as I was hugging him.

"I've missed you so much too Y/N" he said hugging me.

Then another voice spoke.
"Ummm am I missing something here?"

I looked up to see Kelly. "Oh um well he sent a text message apologizing and saying he still loved me." I said as I smiled sheepishly.

"Okay well listen here dick! You better treat her good this time! You better not fucking leave her! I stayed with her the past year trying to make her happy again just cause you fucking left her crying! If you do it again I will kick your ass!" Kelly yelled at Ryan.

"I know Kelly! I fucked up and I won't be hurting Y/N ever again. I promise." Ryan said looking at me. "I am truly and deeply sorry for the pain I have caused you but I don't plan on leaving anytime soon." He said seriously.

"Good!" Kelly said walking out the door.

We both laughed at her. I understand she's just worried for me and I respect that. I'm worried for myself too but I love him.

Catch you guys later, Goodbye.

- TooInsanelyBlue

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