Terroriser: leaving home

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Your Pov:

"I can't take it anymore!" I yelled as I had tears running down my face. I ran into my bedroom and started collecting all of my things.

"Where do you think your going?" My dad yelled from down stairs.

"Anywhere but here! I can't take it anymore! I can't handle all of the fucking yelling and you guys constantly being assholes to me!" I yelled as I had my bags on my shoulders and about to walk out the door.

"Just wait until you get into the real world! It won't be all fun and games then!" My dad yelled at me as my mom stood next to him looking pissed as ever.

"Mhm you guys are probably glad to get rid of me. I'm fucking 19 I'm sure I can handle myself." I said walking out the front door while slamming it shut.

Where was I going to go? Fuck if I know. I just had to get out of there. I've always planned on moving so I had a lot of money saved up but not enough to last me. I still didn't want to just stay in my home town. I wanted to move states and be free. It was already 7:00 in the afternoon so I decided I should probably get out of the streets and find a hotel. As soon as I found one about 10 minutes away I started walking. As the sun started to set and it got darker I realized how scary it actually was to walk out at night alone. What if this was the wrong choice? What if I should have stayed home and just dealt with the yelling and them pushing me around. What if I can't find a place. I then soon arrived at the hotel. I checked in then went to my room. As soon as I got settled in I went through my contacts to try and find a friend maybe I could call. Tiffany moved to Ireland I believe but she was one of my best friends so I decided to call her. After a few rings she finally answered.

"Y/N! I haven't talked to you in forever! We should hang. I'm visiting right now" She said excitingly.

"I know! And you are? When do you go back to Ireland?" I asked her as I got excited.

"Unfortunately I'm going back tomorrow night so we would have to hang out before that." She said.

"Well actually I just left my parents place. We had a huge fight and I decided I'm old enough to leave so I did but I have a problem." I said debating if I should ask her or not.

"Finally you moved out!" She said laughing. "But what's your problem?" She asked.

"I don't have anywhere to go. I definitely don't want to stay here. I want to move states and maybe move out of the US." I said as I was brushing my hair.

"Y/N would you just want to move in with me?" She asked.

"Oh thank god I was hoping you would ask that!" I said chuckling. "I have enough money I can pay for my ticket and pay for rent plus I'll get a job."

"Okay that's great! Just tell me where your staying and I'll come pick you up tomorrow. The flight leaves at 8:00 pm so I'll pick you up at 6:30 just to be safe." She said getting exited.

"Thank you so much Tif. You don't understand how happy I am." I said smiling.

"Hey don't worry about it. I'm glad to help. Talk to you later!" She said as she hung up the phone.

After I took a shower and made sure everything was ready for tomorrow, I went to bed excited as ever.

*** time skip to after the flight ***

" I can't believe I'm actually going to be living in Ireland! I've always wanted to go." I said as we were on our way to her house

"When I first went I was absolutely exited but once I was there I fell in love and just had to move. I know people say it rains a lot and think it's boring there, it's actually not boring but it does rain a lot. Which I like though." She said smiling at me.

"Yeah the rain isn't a problem for me. I actually love it." I said as I was looking out of the car window.

"I have a few friends that you need to meet! After we get you settled in we can go and hang with them." She said as we pulled up to her house. I got out of the car and grabbed all of my things. I followed her as we walked into her house.

"I'll show you your bedroom and let you get settle in." She said as she took some of my bags and led me into the bedroom I would be staying in.

*** time skip to the next day ***

"Get up!!" Tiffany said as she pulled the blankets off of me.

"Bitch I'm still getting used to the time zone change!" I yelled back at her laughing.

"A couple of my friends and I are going out for breakfast and I want you to come." She said as she walked out of my room. I quickly jumped in the shower. After I was done I blow dried my hair, put a little make-up on, then got dressed.

*** your outfit ***

I walked downstairs to Tiffany listening to 'wake me up before you go go' by wham and she was dancing while singing badly

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I walked downstairs to Tiffany listening to 'wake me up before you go go' by wham and she was dancing while singing badly. I started laughing my ass off "I love this song!" I yelled as I started dancing with her.

"Wake me up before you go go cause I'm not planning on going solo" we both sang very loudly. Suddenly there were tons of laughs we both stopped and turned around to a bunch of her friends. My face immediately got red. I walked out of the kitchen to grab my purse then I went back to were they were.

"Y/N this is Zach, David, Jaclyn, and Brian." She said pointing at each one of them as she called their names.

"Um hi, I'm Y/N" I said nervous.

"Aww she's nervous, that's cute." Brian said as he was smiling at me. That caused my face to get more red.

"Stop flirting with her and let's get going." David said as he held Jaclyn's hand. Hm dating I'm assuming. They were definitely a cute couple.

After a few minutes sitting in the car with awkward silence we finally arrived at IHOP.
"Omg finally fooooooood." I said after a few minutes had past and they brought our food. Brian then started to chuckle. "What?" I asked as I frowned.

"Your just adorable." He whispered to me. I could then feel my face heat up. Which caused him to chuckle. I will admit he's cute, Very very very cute. After everyone finished eating it was time to go home. When we dropped Brian off at his house he asked to talk to me in private.

"Whatcha need?" I asked as I looked up into his beautiful ocean blue eyes.

"I um.. think your beyond gorgeous and you seem like a wonderful person so I was wondering if we could swap numbers and maybe I could take you on a date?" He asked as he nervously scratched his neck.

"Yes that would be wonderful." I said giving him a smile. We then exchanged numbers.

"I'll see you later gorgeous." Be said winking and walking away.

Catch you guys later, Goodbye.


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