21. "He's cheating on you!"

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Katie’s POV

“How long do you think they’ll keep trying?” I asked him when he boarded the boat a while after us.

“I don’t know.” he answered shortly.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, I’m just angry.”

“Don’t let it get you down.”

“How can I not? They always appear when I least need them to.”

“They are always supervising us, but we’ll get used to it after a while.”

“I hope so.”

“Harry, we’re going on a trip, forget about it all. I don’t want to see you like this.”

He smiled a little. We joined the rest of the boys who were doing silly things and making fun of one another. They were always so fun to be around. You’re never bored when you’re with them.

The boat just sailed out. The weather was incredible, the temperature was just right, it was ideal for a day out. We were lying on the front of the boat, busking in the sun. After about two hours we arrived in this amazing little bay. The water was so beautiful and clean, I’ve never seen anything like it. And the color of the sea. Oh, I’m simply speechless.

“Shall we jump in?” Liam, who was all set to jump in the water, asked.

“Not yet.”

“Of course you’re going in now.” he stepped to me and picked me up in his arms.

“Liam no, please.”


“Harry, help me!” I screamed.

He looked at me and started laughing. ‘Baam’ and I and Liam were in the water.

“Liam, I hate you.”

“I hate you too.” he added, laughing.

I was ready to dunk him in the water for payback. But it didn’t go as I planned. I was the one who drew the short stick and I ended up drinking like a hectoliter of sea water.

“Ew, eww, this is nasty. I give up.” I said, coughing up the water I just drank.

“So fast?”

“Yes. Ew, I hate salty water.”

Meanwhile Niall and Louis joined us in the water and decided to try and dunk me underwater as well.

“This is not fair! Three against one.” I said.

“Harry, come join us.” Louis shouted.

“Then you’ll be four against me.”

“Exactly.” Niall added happily and laughed out loud with one of his signature laughs.

We really had an incredible day. This relaxation really felt good. The boys had a show in the evening, so we had to cut our trip short and return. I was so tired, I couldn’t imagine how it would feel to have to perform tonight. I’d probably fall asleep on stage. I decided that it’s best for me to return to the hotel, rather than falling asleep on a couch backstage.

Katie’s POV

“Katie, how could you not see this?”


“He’s cheating on you.”


“Why don’t you just accept it? Look at how much fun he’s having in Natalie’s company. It’s clear they love each other.”

“Christopher, this is not true.”

“How is it not? He’s with her here, right in front of you and you’re still denying it.”

“But we’re engaged.”

“Looks like you’re not anymore.”

I looked down on the finger where my engagement ring used to be. Why would he do such a thing?

Harry’s POV

We just returned to the hotel after our concert. I stepped through the door of our hotel room and heard Katie.

“No Harry, no!”


“Harrrrrryyy! Stay here.”

“Katie, wake up.” I kneeled down beside her and tapped her on the shoulder.

“Go away.” she said and opened her eyes.

“It was just a bad dream. Everything’s okay, don’t cry.”

She was completely out of it. Tears were streaming down her face and she couldn’t calm down.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m still here.”

“Where am I? What time is it?”

“It’s one in the morning. Why don’t you go back to sleep, okay?”

“Harry left."

“I’m here Katie. Everything is just fine.”

I’ve never seen someone wake up from a dream and be so confused an upset.

“Go back to sleep. I love you!”

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