02. "Forever 21."

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Katie’s POV

At first I had some issues with the cash register, but I figured it all out in just two hours. I enjoyed working here and I didn’t have major problems with anything. I met my co-workers, who seemed nice. Actually, they all immediately recognized me. And the customers. I don’t even wanna talk about it. Almost every girl in the store came up to me and asked if I was Harry’s girlfriend. They asked if we could take a picture together, they even wrote their Twitter names on pieces of paper and gave them to me so that Harry could follow them. It was totally crazy. Really crazy! I’m sure the store will get many more customers now that I’m working here. Heh?

My first day was over and I was returning home when I noticed I had 13 missed calls, all from Harry. We’re not allowed to use out phones during work, so I hope he’s not too worried that I didn’t pick up. I called him back. Just as I was about to hang up he answered.

“Hello?” he said with a sleepy voice.

Ooops, I thought. It’s the middle of the night in Australia. I totally forgot we were in different time zones.

“I’m so sorry if I woke you up.”

“Katie.” he said, excited.

He probably didn’t even look who’s calling before he picked up.

“My love. Where have you been, I’ve been calling you all evening?”

“Afternoon, Harry.” I laughed. 

“Well… it was afternoon in London, but it was the evening here.”

“I was at work.”

“Already? You got a job this fast?”


“And where are you working now?”

“Forever 21.”

“Awesome. I bet you really like it.”

“Of course I do Harry, at least for now.”

“I miss you so much.”

“Harry can you please shut up!” I heard Niall’s voice in the background.

“Just a sec Katie.” I heard him get out of bed. “You can talk now. I woke Niall up.” he laughed.

“Poor Niall.”

“Ah, don’t worry about him. He’ll fall right back to sleep.”

“I won’t keep you up any longer. Go back to sleep and we’ll talk when you’ll get up.”

“But then you’ll be asleep.” he added.

Oh, his voice. I’d really love to hug him right now.


Today is Saturday and on Monday I’m finally flying to Australia. I can’t wait to see Harry and the rest of the boys. I managed to get some time off, even though I just started working. Everyone is so nice to me and they were glad to help me out.

“Katie, are you going out with us tonight?” my co-worker Martin asked me.


“We’re going clubbing. Me, Nathan and Amelia.”

“Sure, I’d love to. Right after work?”


Martin, Nathan and Amelia are my co-workers that I get on with the best. Nathan and Amelia have been working here for a year already, meanwhile Martin’s new here, like me. Actually he got hired two days after me. We’re all the same age, so we really get along nicely. I finally met some new people. Ever since my mom and I moved town I didn’t have anyone beside me. And even before that, Liam was my only friend that I could really trust. Actually, he’s still the one I can trust with absolutely everything. You simply can’t wish for a better friend. And you probably couldn’t find one anyway.

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