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Dear future me, 

This is something new I wanted to try, and maybe when I read this someday I may think it was a dumb idea, but maybe I might be grateful. I... you? I'm going to stick with "I". I am 17 right now and I have just moved to my new house. I know you will remember it. Tomorrow is the first day of school, and after last year, I'm worried. I can only hope for one good friend. I miss Brad so much it's amazing, but I miss Janet even more. I think I should go now.
Until next time,



Just one more and I'll be done for today.

Whack! Thunk!

That will have to do for today. I finally turn off the pitching machine after working on my swing for an hour.

My name is Simon Wright. I'm what people call a jock. I play baseball and football. Not to brag but I am also pretty handsome with my blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. Or so I've been told. Honestly, I think I am just like everyone else in this world, but people treat me like royalty in school and I really don't like it.

I hit the showers like always after batting practice. When I'm finished I hear my phone ringing and after searching my bag I pull it out and answer.


"Hey, sweetie I was wondering what time you were coming home? I was thinking of making pork chops tonight so I want to know when to start them." my mom says in a cheery tone.

"I'll be home in fifteen minutes or so," I answer while walking out to my car.

"Ok sweetie I'll see you soon! Love you!" She answers and hangs up.

I have an awesome mom who loves to cook but it doesn't always go as planned, but she makes extremely good pork chops. I'm what people call a "mamma's boy", but it's kinda hard not to love the woman who gave birth to me.

I hop into my car and start the drive home. Hurrying to get home to eat because who doesn't want to eat food after a good batting session.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and reach to grab it. I take out my phone and see if got a text from my best friend, Dan.

From Dan: hey, what are you doing later tonight? There is a party at Jason's and I heard it gonna be great.

To Dan: sry I'm busy today. Gonna eat pork chops!!! Obviously made by my favorite person ever.

From Dan: Hey! I thought I was your favorite person😞

To Dan: Hahaha you wish! Hey, I got to go. I'm home.

From Dan: alright I'll see you at school tomorrow. First day. UGH.

He just had to remind me. Another year of torture in the form of sitting through lectures and getting homework. And it starts again tomorrow. Even though I don't like school it doesn't mean I'm not good at it. I get pretty good grades because I have to keep them up to stay on in sports. I only have a couple of baseball games left. And then I start practicing for football right away.

As soon as I walk in the door I'm almost tackled to the ground by a little bundle of energy named Julia. I guess she isn't really that little; she's twelve but she's still a lot shorter than me.

"Your back!!" She practically yells at me.

"Jeez kid I know I'm your favorite but I was only gone an hour." I chuckle when she frowns when she hears me call her kid.

"Don't call me that, you know I don't like it." She says with an eye roll, "Anyway, the only reason I'm happy you're home is because I can eat now."

"Yeah sure, I know you missed me." She rolls her eyes again and is about to say something back when mom calls us both to the dining room. We both look at each other and take off running. She grins when she gets to her spot first, and I chuckle when she sticks her tongue out at me.

I reach my hand out to grab a pork chop but my mom slaps my hand saying we have to say grace first.


Beep Beep Beep. Beep Beep Beep.

I open my eyes searching for the sound of the noise that is disturbing my sleep.

Suddenly someone jumps on me. I groan, pushing them onto the floor.

"Ow! That is not how you thank someone for waking you up nicely so you won't be late for your first day of school. Now let's go!" My sister pulls the covers off of me leaving me freezing. By now I'm awake so I get out of bed to get dressed.

"Get out," I grumble to Julia. When she leaves I go into my closet and pull on a pair of faded jeans and a plain white shirt.

I go downstairs and pour myself some Lucky Charms.

My mom's already gone by now so I end up driving Julia to school as well.


The first day of school consisted of the teachers introducing themselves and their rules. I only have one class left and then freedom.

I enter AP geometry and take a seat at the back of the class. I am not thrilled to be in this class, but my mom made me take it. At least my friend, Sam, is in this class with me.

As the teacher, Mr. Wilkins starts introducing himself there is a knock on the door and a petite girl with red hair walks in and hands Mr. Wilkins a slip. When he reads it and nods his head she quickly takes a seat at the front of the class, next to a blonde girl I think is named Anna.

"That's the new girl. I think her name is Sally or something like that," Sam whispers beside me.

I take a second to glance at her and can't help but appreciate how innocent and truly pretty she looks. She has her face scrunched up as she looks through her bag.

As she's looking, a bar of soap falls out. Soap! She immediately turns red and snatches it looking around to see if anyone saw. When we make eye contact she looks away quickly turning even redder. Causing me to chuckle.


Finally, the bell rings and the red-haired girl jumps up and runs out of class.

I slowly walk out and feel a pair of small hands grasp my right arm. I immediately roll my eyes knowing it is probably Jenna, my ex from last year. She is pretty with her black hair and brown eyes but her attitude is horrible. She acts like she owns the school and whatever she wants she normally gets because her dad is rich.

"Hello, handsome." She says in her high pitched voice that will give you a headache if you listen to long.

"Not now Jenna," I say rolling my eyes and prying her hands off my arm.

She bats her eyelashes like she didn't hear a thing and says "You should come to my place later, and help me study." She gives me a sly smile that makes me want to gag.

"Honestly Jenna I'm not interested. Please go away." I say in an agitated tone.

"You don't mean that. I know that you'll come back to me soon." She sends me a wink and walks away in her too-high heels, seriously they are like 6 inches tall.

With a sigh, I walk towards the front doors. 

Hey guys, here's the first chapter! I hope you liked it. Hit the little star and don't forget to comment!

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