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Dear future me,

 today is the first day of school, and I'm not going to lie, I'm nervous. People like Chandler kind of ruined school for me. I really hope that there isn't another Chandler waiting to ruin my life. I will definitely be writing about how this goes.

Until next time,



The first day of school is today. Great. New school, no friends, and new teachers. I guess it's good that I'm starting a new life after all the bullying I've received. I don't get why people bully other people, they are humans too. But they treat them like scum, and it's stupid.

I walk outside after saying goodbye to my parents and go to my bus stop.

After five minutes the bus pulls up and opens its doors. I get on and there are no open seats. I look around and see a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hi, can I sit here?" I say, giving her a smile.

"Uh... sure," She says. You can tell she's a bit socially awkward.

"Thanks. You looked like the only kid that wouldn't try to send me to an early grave for asking to sit by them." I say, trying to get her to come out of her shell a little and talk.

She gives me a small grin, "Yeah they can be a little brutal on this bus, most seats have two people in them anyways. I'm Anna, my friends call me Ann." She holds out one of her small hands for me to shake and I gladly shake it.

"What grade are you in Ann? By the way, my name is Sophia, but my friends call me Soph."

Well, whatever friends I had.

"I'm going to be a junior this year, just two more years of this and I'll be able to go to Harvard." She has a look of determination in her eyes.

"Awesome! We will be in the same grade. I wonder if we have any classes together?" I pull out my schedule and we compare our schedules. "We have 3 of our classes together!" I give her a high five and do a little happy dance.

She gives me a huge smile and we get off the bus. "What's your locker number Soph?"

"Um, it's 649." I think.

"No way! Mine's 650!" We give each other another high five.

I quickly grab what I need for my first class, reading and start walking with Anna. 


Finally, my last class of the day. I stayed to help my gym teacher pick up so I'm gonna be a little late, but he gave me a note, so it's okay.

I walk into the class and give my note to Mr. Wilkins. I see an open spot beside Anna and quickly sit down.

"Hey Soph, do you have an extra pencil?" Anna whispers besides me. I nod my head and start digging in my bag and a bar of soap falls out.

Damn you, Justin!

I knew he would do something like that. I quickly snatch it up. Hopefully no one saw. I can already tell I'm beet red. I look around and make contact with a blonde-haired boy with blue eyes. Crap!

The rest of the class goes by smoothly and at the end, I run out of class. In my hurry, I run into a girl with black hair and she's wearing extremely short shorts and a shirt that goes above her belly button. "I'm so sorry!" I quickly say. She looks pissed.

"Watch where your going new girl." She sneers and struts off with two other girls hot on her heels.

Well, that didn't go so well, I'll have to ask Anna who she is later. 


"Mom! We're home!" Justin yells, dropping his backpack on the ground.

My mom comes into the room and gives us both a hug.

My dad won't be home from work for another hour. He is about the same age as my mom.  He's a great guy, and since we live on a farm he got me and my brother each a horse that we have to take care of. I named mine Perdita after the dalmatian in 101 dalmatians. Because of her black spots.

I pull out my history work from my backpack. It shouldn't take that long, it's just an answer sheet on 9/11 that goes with an article we got.

From Unknown Number: Hey, Soph, it's Anna, I was wondering if you finished that history homework yet?

To Anna: I'm just working on it now but I'll send it to you when I'm done if you want. Also, how did you get my number?

From Anna: That would be great! You gave it to me, remember? During lunch?

To Anna: Ohhh right I forgot. Hey, I bumped into some snotty chick today. She had black hair and I think she had brown eyes, short shorts, and a really short shirt. She had 2 girls behind her. Do you have any ideas of who she is?

From Anna: OMG I think you bumped into Jenna the "queen bee" of the school, or so she thinks.

To Anna: well that's just my luck. I gtg ttyl.

I quickly go through my Instagram just to see what's new.

Hey, it's that boy from geometry. I never really got a good look at him, but I did take notice of his striking blue eyes.

I see he has a private account and debate whether I should request to follow or not.

Why shouldn't I?

I click the request button and within a matter of minutes, I'm accepted. Scrolling through, I see that he is actually pretty cute. He has a sort of boyish look to him. I also take notice that he plays baseball and football.

Of course, he's a jock.

I'm done being mixed up with those type of boys. Without another thought, I unfollow him and ignore his request to follow me.

Dear Future Me [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now