Flag Pole

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Dear future me,

The first day of school was... interesting. Justin put a bar of soap in my bag. He is such an idiot sometimes. I made a new friend named Anna. She is so smart it's crazy. Really that is all that's worth noting. Until next time,



Welcome to my house, play that music too loud.

I tap my fingers along to the beat. I'm on my way to school and decided to get a ride from my mom because she is actually home today.

We pull up to the school and I see kids milling around per usual. As I get out I tell my mom goodbye and hear the first bell go off, so I start running.

I make it to Reading just in time, and take a seat near the front of the class next to Anna. There is a boy on my other side with glasses and brown hair. He seems really shy: I haven't heard him say one word yet.

My teacher, Ms. Woods, starts droning on about verbs and moods.

I feel a pencil poke my arm and turn to see the boy next to me giving me a shy smile. "Um, could I borrow a piece of paper? I forgot my notebook in my locker and-"

"Sure." I chuckle handing him a piece of paper, "I'm Sophia by the way." I stick out my hand for him to shake.

"Uh, I'm Paul." He shakes my hand back.

"Excuse me Ms. Mohr, Mr. Darwin, would you like to share your conversation with the class?" Our teacher Ms. Woods asks. I hear some snickering in the back of the class but don't turn to look.

"Uh...um...I-I was just asking for a piece of paper, sorry Ms. Woods," Paul sputters.

"Well pay attention! Now, who can tell me what words..." She starts her lesson again.

I give Paul a quick smile and look away.

Now, who was that snickering in the back of the class?

I turn my head to look and I'm not surprised. It's that guy from geometry and another boy who I think is named Dan. He has brown hair which looks like he just got out of bed, but I can tell he fixed it to look like that.

I roll my eyes and turn around.

Paul seemed like a nice guy, maybe I should get to know him better. 


"Finally! Lunch!" Anna yells and runs down the hall to the cafeteria. I let out a slight laugh.

"Anna! Watch out your gonna run into someone!" I yell taking off after her.

Suddenly I run into a rock hard body.

I hate irony.

I look up to see Dan, he is smiling down at me.

"Hey there, you're the new girl!" He says with a grin.

"Uh, yeah... that's me. I'm sorry for running into you. I'm Sophia." I look around to see he has another guy with him, someone I don't recognize.

"No problem, I mean who wouldn't want to run into this." He gestures to himself and smirks.

"Well nice meeting you, but I've got to go," I say quickly.

"Alright, but don't be afraid to bump into me again, beautiful." He says sending me a wink.

I can feel the heat crawling up my neck and hurry to find Anna. I never get compliments.

"Hey, Soph! Where'd ya go?" Anna asks. She is already sitting at the lunch table eating pizza.

"Well while chasing after you, I ran into Dan," I huff.

"Oops, She says with a shrug and takes a bite out of her pizza

I send her a glare and grab her other piece of pizza and eat it while she stares at me with her mouth open. "Sorry, was this yours?" I ask innocently.

"Well I already licked it so, yeah, it was." She says with a smirk.

The look on my face mirrors one of horror as I spit it out into a napkin. She is actually crying from laughing to hard. "I...didn't...even...lick...it!" She says between laughs.

I give her a playful shove. "Your so ru-" I see Paul standing by my table with a nervous smile.

"Um hey, it's Sophia right? I was wondering if I could sit by you today?" He asks.

I give him a nice smile. "Of course. The more the merrier, right Anna?" I say nudging her.

"Yeah sure." She says, staring at Paul. 


"Dude my hair looks like the fluffy orange cat I had named Ginger: her fur was always sticking out in weird places," I say to Anna, trying to pat my hair down on the way to Geometry.

I hear Anna snicker beside me. As we walk into class, I'm still trying to fix my hair, and almost run into someone, luckily Anna pulls me to the side, eyes wide. "Dude, you almost ran into Simon Wright! He's the star quarterback of the football team and the star pitcher of the baseball team! He's super popular and you don't want to get in his way." I look to see who she's talking about and it's the boy from Geometry.

"Oops," I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Oops?! That's all you have to say after I practically just saved your life!" She says, being a bit too dramatic but I decide to play along.

"Sorry I mean, oh thank you, my hero! Whatever would I have done if you were not there to save me from running into some guy?" I say.

"Just be happy you aren't strung up on the flag pole by now missy!" She says.

What is the big deal about a guy who's good at sports and looks good? Most of those boys are stuck up pricks who don't care about other people's feelings. 

"Hey, Anna do you want to spend the night at my house this weekend?"

"Sure! That would be fun. My parents are going out of town anyway." Her smile is contagious and I find my own lips tugging up into a smile.

Dear Future Me [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now