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Dear future me,

It is Christmas Eve and I just want to take a second to be thankful for everything I have. All of my friends are so amazing and so is my family. It's the little things in life that make it worth living.

Until next time,



"Merry Christmas!" Justin yells jumping on me. I groan and push him off.

"Merry Christmas you goofball, thanks for the wakeup call," I say sarcastically. "Now go away so I can get up."

Smiling, I get up and stay in my Christmas pj's but brush through my hair so it doesn't look like a bird made a nest in it.

I go downstairs and hug my parents, telling them both Merry Christmas.

The doorbell rings and I open it smiling at Brad and his family.

"Joanne, it's been too long," I say pulling Brad's mom into a hug.

"It's only been a summer but you've grown so much, dear." She says smiling at me.

"Hey Joey, How are you?" I ask, pulling Brad's dad into a hug.

"Good, I've been missing my fishing buddy though." He says, I chuckle and shake my head. We used to go fishing all the time with Brad, but then Brad got bored, so it'd just be us.

I nod at Chandler before inviting them all in.

"Who wants to open presents?" My dad says, clapping his hands. We all shout "me" as an old tradition and sit in a circle with Justin handing out presents.

Brad got me a two-liter of root beer and I got him one. It's something we've always done.

Justin got me a bar of mint soap. I tell ya, you eat a bar of soap once.

My parents got me a new phone case, which is great because my old one was cracked.

After we are done exchanging  presents we all head towards the kitchen. Chandler pulls me to the side and smiles at me.

"Merry Christmas Sophie." He says gently. He pulls out a silver box from behind his back and rubs his neck nervously, I raise an eyebrow at him and hesitantly take the box.

"I don't know if you'll remember this, but I do," He says as I look at the box.

I hesitantly take off the lid and smile at what I see inside.

"Of course I remember this Chan, it's how we started talking," I say smiling down at the necklace. Chan came up to me one day out of the blue and said I had a really pretty necklace and I ended up giving it to him.

"Why are you giving me this?" I ask him.

"Call it a peace offering." He says grinning at me, "Lets get to the dining room before everyone thinks I kidnapped you." 


"Me and Brad are going to go to Dan's to meet up with our other friends," I tell my mom, she nods her head and we both head out to the car.

"Where are Dan's parents?" Brad asks.

"Christmas party," I say and he nods.

"So how's Simon?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows at me.

I roll my eyes at him, "I am regretting telling you this information."

"Hey! I'm your best friend and I'm  practically your brother since diapers so, you have to tell me everything."

"Yeah yeah," I mutter turning up the radio.

I grin when I hear the song that's playing and tap my finger along.

You make me smile like the sun
Fall out of bed, sing like a bird
Dizzy in my head
Spin like a record crazy on a Sunday night, you make me dance like a fool,  forget how to breath,
Shine Luke hold, buzz like bee,
Just the thought of you can make me smile,
Oh you make me smile

"So, what did you get lover boy?" Brad asks, snapping me out of my daze.

"A bunch of scary movies, he loves them," I answer.

"Coolio, I'm excited for presents." He grins at me and then starts singing to a new song on the radio.

"Get out of my car you freak," I say when we pull up to Dan's. He hops out and does a little dance.

"Merry Christmas!" We both shout as we enter the house. Everyone else is already here and they shout it back to us.

Simon comes and wraps his arms around me, "Merry Christmas Soph," He whispers.

"Merry Christmas Simon," I whisper back and pull away. I blush when I see Anna, Dan, and Brad, wiggling their eyebrows at us.

Shaking my head I sit down on a coach and Simon plops down next to me.

We start exchanging presents right away and I laugh when I see Dan got me a calendar with pictures of him on it and "words of wisdom from Dan" written in it.

Simon really liked the movies I got him, but he said he wants to give me my present later.

"Who wants to watch some crappy Christmas movies and drink some really Crappy egg nog, I promise it's not spiked," Dan says placing a hand in his heart.

We all respond with "me" or in Sam's case,  "moi".


"Brad if you crash my car I'll kill you," I tell a slightly tipsy Brad, handing him my keys. How is he tipsy you might ask?

Dan lied.

That's how. I'm so happy I only had a cup.

"I won't! I'm not even drunk!" He half shouts.

"Well you're tipsy, which is plenty," I tell him.

"I won't crash it, don't worry." With that he walks out of the house and to my car.

"He'll be alright," Simon says, wrapping his arms around me.

"I know." I mumble, "Hey! You owe me a present."

"Yeah, I guess I do." He pulls away from me and pulls a black box from his pocket.

I look up at him and then back down at the box. Opening it up I gasp at the beautiful bracelet inside.

Taking it out, I notice that there are charms on it. There's a smiley face, a J with a heart around it, a S with a heart around it, Perdita(the dog from 101 dalmations), and a bar of soap.

"Do you like it?" He asks nervously.

"I love it, it's beautiful," I say grinning at him.

"Here, let me put it on you." He says taking it from my hands.

It fits almost perfectly on my wrist and I grin at him.

He rubs the back of his neck and looks at me nervously, "Soph, will you please, please, please, be my girlfriend?"

Dear Future Me [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now