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"So how does it feel to be a champion?" I ask Paul, grinning at him. He pulls me in for a hug and I immediately respond, wrapping my arms around him.

"Pretty great, though, something could still be better today." He says. I pull away slightly so I can look at him.

"And what's that?" I ask him, scrunching my eyebrows in confusion. What more could he possibly want?

"Well, I was wondering if you would want to catch a movie with me sometime?" He asks nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

My mouth falls open in shock, what? "What?" I ask, voicing my thoughts.

He chuckles, "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me." 

Do I want to go out with him? He's nice and pretty hot. 

Why not.

"Sure," I say with a smile. He lets out a breath, relief showing in his eyes.

"Good," he breathes, "I thought you were gonna say no." He smiles down at me, I'm still wrapped in his arms.

"Never," I reply, grinning at him. "But you better have an awesome first date planned, or I might have to rethink my answer."

He pales and his face turns to one of fear. I start laughing at him so hard I tear up. "I was just kidding Paul, you should've seen your face," I say when I calm down. He smiles and shakes his head at me.

"You know, I don't think I have your number," He says, pretending like he's thinking.

"Well, we'll just have to change that then," I tell him, handing him my phone so he can put his number on it.

"I'll text you later tonight, I'm going to go say hi to some other people." He says, bending down and giving me a kiss on the cheek. I blush with his gesture and smile at him.

"What was that?" Anna asks excitedly with wide eyes when Paul turns.

"I may or may not have a boyfriend as of now." I say shyly, blushing.

"OMG! That's awesome! I'm so happy for you!" Anna all but screams.

"Shh!" I say putting a hand over her mouth. Her eyes flash with mischief and before I can pull my hand away she licks it. "Anna! What the heck!" I exclaim. Wiping my hand on her shirt. She just shrugs and I'm about to yell at her about how unsanitary it is when I'm spun around and crashed into a hard chest. I let out a squeak of surprise and look up to see Dan smiling down at me.

"Let me go you big oaf," I say, hitting him in the chest lightly.

"Fine fine, aren't you going to congratulate me?" He asks, letting go of me.

I roll my eyes at him but comply, "Congrats on dropping the ball in the seventh," I say, a smug smile on my face.

"Hey! A hole opened up in my glove and the ball passed through! Then it closed again!" He exclaims, making wild hand gestures.

Paul comes over and wraps his arm around my shoulders. Dan's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Um, am I missing something?" He asks, looking at me then Paul.

"Maybe," I say shyly, blushing.

"Well, my girlfriend and I are just enjoying the day," Paul says, enunciating the word 'girlfriend'.

"You two are dating?!" Someone exclaims angrily from behind us. I whip around and see Simon standing there, fuming.

"Simon?" I question confusedly.

He glares at Paul then turns around and storms off. "Fuck," Dan mutters, he shoots me an apologetic smile then follows Simon.

"What was that about," I mumble, looking up at Paul.

"I don't know." He says distractedly, looking at the spot where Simon vanished.

"I'm going to go back to the hotel, I'll see you later," I say, going up on my tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek which snaps him out of his daze.

"Okay, I'll see you later," He says smiling down at me.


"It was weird Ann, he was so mad," I say to Anna, I just told her about today's odd encounter with Simon.

"You really don't know do you?" She asks quietly, so quiet that if I wasn't listening I wouldn't have heard her.

"Know what?" I ask, looking at her.

She gives me a small smile and shakes her head, "You'll find out,  and when you do I hope you make the right choice."

"Um, what? Is this about Simon? What am I missing?" I question.

"How about a dip in the hot tub?" She asks clapping her hands.

"Alright." I know she was just changing the subject but I'll let it go. For now.

Once we get dressed, or more like undressed, I grab our room key and step outside. The door to Simon's room opens and the guy himself steps out. I look over to Anna and motion for her to go ahead.

"Simon, can we talk?" I ask him, his eyes snap up to meet mine.

"Nothin' to talk about," He says gruffly.

"Okay, if you ever need to talk I'll listen. Whatever I did, I'm sorry," I apologize quietly. I turn away from him and walk down to the pool.

"All good?" Anna asks when I slip into the hot tub.

"I'm not sure," I say truthfully, "I don't understand why he's mad." She looks at me and shakes her head again the same way she did before.


Knock. Knock. Knock.

I go and open the door and see Paul standing outside. "Ready for our first date?" He asks, he pulls a bouquet of flowers from behind his back and hands them to me.

"Thank you, they're wonderful," I tell him, smelling the flowers. They do smell amazing. "I'm going to go get some water for these and then I'll be right back."

It takes a bit to find a suitable makeshift vase. When I finally do I go back to where I left Paul and see him talking to Simon, they're talking in a hushed tone but Simon still doesn't look happy.

"Um ready to go?" I ask Paul, they both turn their heads to look at me and Paul nods.

"Let's get going."

So how about that? What do you guys think about Paul and Soph?

I've been wanting to do something like this for awhile, I hope you enjoyed it :)

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