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Dear future me,

Waking up in Simon's arms was a great feeling. I kind of wish I could do that every night, to be honest. I think I finally figured out what Anna was talking about when she said I was missing something. Thank goodness I got it.

Until next time,



I grin at Sophia as she walks toward me after brushing her teeth.

I could care less whether she had snarls in her hair or smelly breath, she would still be beautiful.

She climbs back into bed and presses a kiss to my lips. As I go to deepen the kiss the doorbell rings and I groan.

"I'll be right back," She says, smiling at me.

"No, I'm coming with," I tell her getting up.

"Okay." She says shrugging her shoulders.

We walk downstairs and when Soph opens the door I growl at the person behind it.

"What are you doing here?" I growl.

"I could ask you the same thing, seeing as you are with my girlfriend," Paul says putting an emphasis on my.

Sophia's jaw drops open and then she scowls, "You really are stupid, aren't You? Don't you think there was a reason I've been avoiding you? It's because I don't want to see you. Ever. We. Are. Through," She growls slamming the door.

She runs a hand down her face and walks towards the kitchen with me trailing her.

"It's too early in the morning for that crap," She mumbles pouring herself a cup of coffee.

"Amen to that," I agree, pouring my own cup if coffee.

"You know what we should do sometime?" She says excitedly all of a sudden. I don't mind that she says we.

"What?" I ask wearily.

"Go to a party!" She claps her hands a little and I grin at her.

"Didn't know the good girl liked to party," I tease.

"Please," she says rolling her eyes, "I have a wild side. Especially with the help of my best friend, alcohol."

"I'd like to meet this wild Sophia, she sounds fun," I say thoughtfully, she smirks at me before turning and grabbing coco puffs.

"Oh my gosh, Christmas is in tomorrow!" She exclaims. I laugh at her and nod my head.

"Ah, think of all the presents we'll get," I say grinning.

"Too bad, I didn't get you one," She says and shrugs. My mouth falls open as I stare at her.

"You better have gotten me a present missy! I got you a great one!" I exclaim.

I haven't gotten her anything.

"We'll see," she murmurs, looking out the window.

"We should go skiing someday," I say, looking at all of the snow.

"Defiantly, except I would rather snowboard," She says grinning at me.

"Well, that can be arranged. Want to watch Frosty the Snowman?" I ask. She raises an eyebrow at me and then starts laughing, really hard.

When she calms down she nods her head. "Sounds good, Frosty," She says and giggles.

I smile and shake my head at her, she goes to the kitchen so I turn on Netflix and sit on the couch.

She plops down next to me with two hot chocolates and I wrap my arm around her, taking my mug.

"Thanks, Soph," I say taking a sip of the hot chocolate.

"No problem," she says, snuggling closer into my side.

We watch the movie with her snuggled into my side and me sneaking glances at her.

We aren't officially dating, yet. I plan to ask her out at Christmas. Or the day after. I know she likes me, she has to, hiding by the way we've been acting. But yet I'm still nervous that she will say no.


As the credits roll of the fourth movie I look at her and see her sleeping peacefully. I smile and gather her up in my arms, placing a small kiss on her forehead I lift her up the stairs and gently set her on the bed.

I don't want to leave, but I have too. So I leave a note saying that I'll text her later. I place one last kiss on the cheek and then I leave.

From Mom: Simon, when are u coming home?

To mom: be there soon

From Mom: ok hurry it up, Sherry will be here soon.

I let out a groan. Sherry is my mom's friend and she's got a daughter that is my age. The girl is obsessed with me, it may be partly my fault though because I may or may not have slept with her. But she thinks because I slept with her, I'm like in love with her. I shudder thinking about the black-haired chick that is, Jenna.

Why of all the girls in the town, county, or state, does it have to be Jenna.

Jenna and I grew up together, but I've never really liked her. Like even as a friend. Our parents, moms in particular, always tried to get us together.

To Mom: could I run by the store? I need it to get some stuff.

From Mom: sure

I still need to get Sophia her present and I have no idea what to get.

I randomly walk into a jewelry store and see a charm bracelet that catches my eye. You can add whatever charms you would like and I smile, looking at the ones I selected.

Soph will like this.

If you are liking this book, you should go check out my other books, Saving my Cinderalla and The Beauty in the Beast if you haven't yet! 

I hope everything is going well with the whole Coronvirus thing wherever you are at in the world!

Don't forget to like and comment!

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