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Dear future me,

I can now say I have suffered my first heartbreak. Not fun and I don't wanna do it again. Paul cheated with God knows who for God knows how long. Simon did his normal thing and came crashing back into my life guns blazing. That was not appreciated. But he did do a decent job of making up for it. 

Until next time,



We went and got a ladder, a bouquet of blue flowers, I remember Soph saying she liked blue.

Grabbing a couple of rocks I toss one gently at Anna's window, hitting it directly. I toss three more before I see the curtain move. It opens to reveal Anna. She opens the window and sticks her head out, looking at us confusedly.

"What do you two want?" She asks with an annoyed tone.

"Let us in, please," I plead, looking at her with puppy dog eyes that normally make any girl swoon.

"No, see you later boys," She says, rolling her eyes.

"Wait!" Dan yells, "We come bearing gifts of chocolate and flowers!"

"I'll ask Sophia." She turns back into the room and I see Sophia look down at us through the window. I give a small wave and her head disappears from sight. "Fine, you can come in. But don't do anything stupid," She warns.

"Yes!" Dan says excitedly.

We run to the front of the house and Anna meets us there. She hesitantly opens the door and we both bolt inside before she can change her mind.

"I need to apologize to Soph," I say immediately, looking around for her.

"Give her a minute to... never mind just wait a minute.

We look at eachother, perplexed as to why she needs a minute.

"So, you gonna tell me what happened to your hand?" She says expectantly.

"A wall?" I say, it sounds more like a question.

"Try again," She says firmly, tapping her foot.

"Paul," I mutter, looking down at the floor, ready to be yelled at.

"Good, that asshole needed a good beating," she says, I look up at her in surprise.

"You're not gonna yell?" I say, looking at her like she grew another head.

"Do you want me to? I guess I could yell at you for making Sophia cry." I wince remembering what I did.

"Please don't. I already feel bad enough, now where's Sophia?"

"She's upstairs with Brad, he's ticked at you so I'd watch out." My fists clench when I hear Brad's name. He's upstairs comforting her when that all I ever wanted to do. But instead, I'm part of the reason he is.

"I'll be right back." I half growl, trying not to show that I'm angry.

I walk up the stairs to where there's a door with Anna's name on it. I knock gently and after a little bit, I hear Sophia's sweet voice telling me I can come in.

"Hey, Soph," I say quietly, peeking my head around the door.

"Simon," She says briskly.

"I'm so, so sorry Soph. I never meant to make you cry, I just got really angry when I knew that Paul did something." I explain to her, stepping fully into the room. I see Brad sitting on a couch by the wall, you can tell he's on high alert.

"You were really mean Simon, and I was already hurt and you didn't help." She says quietly, I take a step towards her but Brad growls, making me stop.

"I know, I really am sorry Soph. Dan is downstairs, he wants to see you," I say, a small smile comes to her face and she hops up. Brad does the same.

I lead the way back downstairs, happy that she let me see her, even if she is still mad at me.

I stop by the doorframe to the living room where Dan is sitting. He hops up as soon as he sees her and engulfs her in his arms, giving her wet sloppy kisses all over her face. My jaw tightens and I take a deep breath.

"I'm so sorry that that asshat was an idiot," He says to her glancing over at me. She laughs lightly and a small smile comes to my face. Her laugh is beautiful.

"It's okay, I think-" She stops when my phone rings.

"Sorry, I've got to take this," I say when I see mom's caller ID on the screen.

"Hey, mom what's up?" I ask.

"Julia is having one of her episodes and is throwing clothes all over her room. She has done her make-up about five times, and all because we are going out to eat,' She says worriedly. I sigh, Julia has a personality disorder called histrionic.

Often times people over dramatist events, have strong emotions that change quickly, they worry about their appearance, and more. I walk back into the room and give Dan a look that he has come to know well.

"I've got to go, I'll see you guys at school," I say, walking towards the door.

"Simon, is everything okay?" Sophia says as I put my hand on the door.

"It's Julia, she having an episode," I explain. I look of confusion takes over her face and I sigh.

"Julia has a personality disorder. Histrionic." She looks shocked as I explain the symptoms. "Do you remember when I told her mom was in the hospital?" She nods, "Remember how she went from really sad to really happy? That was a symptom."

"Oh, I never would've known. I guess now that I think about it, it makes sense," She says nodding her head thoughtfully.

"She hides it very well."

"I shouldn't keep you any longer then," She says after a bit.

"I'll see you later, Soph."

"Simon," she says stopping me again, "I just wanted you to know that I forgive you."

A huge smile comes to my face and I walk out of the house. The smile doesn't leave my face until I get home.

"I NEED TO FIND THE PERFECT OUTFIT TO MATCH MY SMOKEY EYE!" Julia screams. "WE MIGHT SEE AARON AND I NEED TO LOOK PERFECT! HE'S MY BOYFRIEND YOU KNOW!" Another symptom is that you over-exaggerate relationships, or think they are more than they really are.

"Julia?" I say knocking on her door. I step inside to see her room totally trashed. "Hey, you need to calm down and take a deep breath."

She takes a deep breath and sits on her bed. "Okay, I think I'm good." She says after a while.

***********************************************************************************************So what do you think about it?

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