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Dear future me,

It's so amazing having Brad back in my life. I saw Chandler for the first time, and I ran away. Literally. Not a good start. I don't think I will be writing again until after the tournament, so there will be a small lapse in time.

Until next time,



We drive home in silence, the radio off. I keep my eyes trained outside the window, looking at the stars.

When we pull up I jump out of the car and walk to the door, it's already unlocked so I just walk in. When Simon closes the door I turn to face him. "Um, are you okay?" I ask, looking him in the eyes to try and find an emotion. I find sadness.

"I'm fine, it's just that this will be the first time my mom won't be at my tournament," He says in a sad voice. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him, he tenses for a second but quickly relaxes and does the same.

"It's alright, she'll be able to watch it on the TV and we will all be there, cheering you on," I whisper.

"You're right, it will still be different, but at least I know you will be in the stands," He whispers back. We stand there for a while longer and I pull away.

"Goodnight Simon. I'll see you in the morning bright and early," I say, smiling at him. He whispers out of goodnight and goes to the couch.


"Soph are you up?" I hear someone ask. I mumble something incoherent and snuggle deeper into the sheets. Someone grabs my shoulder and starts shaking it. "Come on Soph, we gotta go." I groan and open my eyes to find Simon looking at me.

"Okay okay, get out so I can get ready," I mumble to him. He leaves and I pull on a shirt that has our school logo, the lion, on it. I also put on a ball cap that has our school logo on it.

I walk downstairs with my bag and see Simon sitting on the couch, waiting for me. "Ready to go?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Are we getting Dan or Brad first?" I ask him.

"Dan, he lives pretty close. Then we can get Brad," He says and I nod my head in agreement.

The drive to Dan's house is silent except for the radio that is playing, but it is a comfortable silence.

"Hey, guys! Ready to go win the tourney?" Dan asks as he hops into the back seat.

"Yeah definitely," Simon answers confidently.

"Soph, we have got to switch when we get to Brads because no offense but you know him better," Dan says.

"Okay, that'll be good," I say. As we pull up to Brad's house, me and Dan get out to switch.

"Hey, Soapie!" Brad yells as he walks down the sidewalk.

"Hey, ready to roll?" I ask and he nods his head.

I look at the house and see the door is still open and a set of green eyes lock with mine. I flinch and practically jump into the car.

"So how long is the drive?" Dan asks.

"About six hours so get some sleep," Simon tells us.

I scoot towards Brad and rest my head on his shoulder, I've done that since we were kids, so he's used to it. I see Simon look at us from the mirror with something I can't place in his eyes. "I'm gonna take a nap," I mumble sleepily, yawning.

"Okay, sleep good Soapie," Brad whispers.

I hear what sounds like a dying bat scream and jolt awake to find Dan singing "May We All" by Florida Georgia Line.

"Dude shut up, you woke up Soph," Brad yells at Dan because of how loud he is singing.

"Oh, sorry Soph. It's just a really good son,." Dan says, pouting at me.

"It's okay, so how long did I sleep?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.

"Three hours. We are gonna stop to eat and I'm going to drive," Brad says.

"Okay, where are we eating?" 

Please be culvers.

"Culver's," Simon says.

"Yes!" I say fist-pumping the air.

They all chuckle at me. The rest of the ride to Culvers is spent with me resting on brads shoulder while Dan talks about anything and everything and Simon not saying anything.

"Food!" Dan yells, jumping out of the car. I laugh at him when he slips.

"We are ordering to go so we get there in time to practice," Simon tells us, we nod our heads and walk in.

I get my normal; chicken strips with fries and a rootbeer. "Hey Soph can you get me my normal?" Brad asks and I nod at him.

"I'll have a cheeseburger with onions, ketchup, mustard, and lettuce with a medium fry and a large pop," I tell the lady who is taking our order. I turn around and see Dan's mouth is slightly open and Simon is frowning.

"How do you even remember that?" Dan asks me in amazement.

"When someone gets the same thing every time you go out, which is every other day, you remember it," I state, smirking at him.

"I guess that makes sense," Dan says thoughtfully, Simon just grunts.

"You alright Simon?" I ask him, he nods. I guess he's still off about his mom.

"Let's get going," Simon says as we get our food.

"So am I sitting in the front?" I ask them.

"Nope," Dan says popping the p. I give him a confused look. "I do not trust you to run the radio and I like the front more, it gives my legs more room to stretch out." He explains and I roll my eyes at him.

"Alright, let's get going then," I mumble, eating a fry.

Dear Future Me [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now