Dream on Princess

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Dan and Brad left awhile after Simon did.

I hope Julia is okay. I had no idea that she was sick. She really does a good job of hiding it.

Anna and I are sitting in her room watching Pretty Little Liars. She likes it more than I do, but it's still okay.

"So, what did you and Simon talk about?" She asks casually, glancing over at me.

I don't feel right telling her about Julia, it'd not my place. "I just told him that I forgive him, he didn't mean it," I say shrugging.

"You're too nice sometimes." She chuckles.

"He was just looking out for me." I turn my attention back to the show and she drops the subject.


"Today we will be analyzing one of two books. They..." Mrs. Woods drones on in reading class. I switched my seat because obviously I'm not going to sit by Paul anymore. He's been shooting me glances all morning, trying to get my attention.

As soon as the teacher dismisses us I bolt out of the room before Paul can talk to me.

"Sophia," He says grabbing my arm. I immediately pull away and glare at him. "What's wrong? What did I do? I'll do anything to fix it." I feel my heart clench as he talks. But I've got to act strong so I scoff at him turning on my heels. "Sophia stop!" He says grabbing my arm tighter. I try to pull away but his grip is too strong.

"Let me go, Paul!" I say angrily.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." He says, his voice raising slightly.

"I think it's best if you let her go now," Someone growls from behind me. As soon as I'm released I whip around to see a very pissed of Chandler. I normally hate seeing him but right now I don't mind.

"We are talking later," Paul says angrily, stomping away.

"Thanks, Chan." I say quietly, looking him in the eyes. His eyes light up at my old nickname for him.

We used to be friends and then, he just stopped. He bullied me constantly. And I still don't know what I did wrong.

"Any time Sophie," He says back.

I turn away and walk towards my next class. Leaving him behind me.


"Lunch!" Anna exclaims excitedly.

Laughing I follow her into the lunchroom and stop dead in my tracks when I see Simon and Paul talking. They look angry. Pissed.  After a while Paul storms off and Simon glares at his back.

Simon scans the lunchroom and we lock eyes. I give him a small smile before I pull my gaze away from him.

"I wonder what that was about? That looked really heated," Anna remarks.

I nod. She's right, I have a feeling it was about me and I really hope it wasn't.

"Hey, Simon," I say smiling at him.

"Hey, Soph." His tone is gentle but there is still fire in his eyes.

"You alright?" He nods and starts to say something but Dan cuts him off.

"Hello, my friends, and Simon." I snicker when I see Simon glare at him.

Sam comes and sits at the end of the table. As of now, he and Anna are on a 'break', so it's a bit awkward. Simon sits next to Dan, now there's an empty seat where Paul is supposed to sit, so Brad sits there.

"We should do something today," Brad announces to the table.

"How about mini golf?" Dan says, hope filling his eyes.

"Mini golf it is," I say with a smile.


"I suck at mini-golf." I groan, I just missed another shot.

"You'll get there," Simon says.

"It might help if you didn't hit me with another ball though," Dan says, rubbing the spot where I hit him. I glare playfully at him.

"I didn't hit you, you were just in the way," I say matter-of-factly.

"Dream on princess," He says laughing.

"Hmpf." I cross my arms and pout.

Anna and Sam went ahead of us awhile ago because we are "really bad, slow golfers".  Despite the whole break thing, they obviously still like each other, so I hope this gives them the chance to talk about it. Simon and Brad are really good at golfing actually. Dan just messes around and I just straight out suck.

"Cmon Soapie, try again," Brad prods.

"I can't," I say rolling my eyes.

"You'll make it," Simon says.

"Eventually," Dan mumbles under his breath.

I get ready to hit my ball and aim it directly at him, swinging I hit him smack in the groin. He groans and holds himself while Simon and Brad break out into laughter.

"Oops," I say innocently, shrugging, making the other two laugh even harder.

"I'll get you, Mohr," Dan threatens.

"Nice waddle, I didn't know penguins were back in style," I say, mocking his walk.

"I'd like to see you get hit in the balls and still be able to walk normal." He grunts.

"Ah, the perks of being a woman," I say, flicking my hair.

"Yeah women are lucky, they have boo- ouch! What was that for!" Brad says, rubbing the spot where it hit him with a golf ball.

"I'm right here, talk about it later," I say rolling my eyes. Focusing I aim at the hole and somehow manage to get it in. "I did it!" I yell, doing a little happy dance.

"Told you," Simon says chuckling.

"And it was only your tenth try!" Dan says feigning excitement. My eyes snap over to him and he subconsciously covers his crotch. "Er, I mean good job, Soph."

"Uh-huh," I say shooting him one last glare before walking towards the hole with my golf ball in it.

"Ready for the next hole?" Brad says. I groan and shake my head.

"You guys keep going I'm going to grab some food," I tell them. Dan and Brad nod but Simon looks likes he's contemplating something.

"I'll go with you, I'm not doing very good anyway." He says. I know for a fact that he was in the lead, but I wouldn't mind the company.

"How does pizza sound?" I ask, looking longingly at the pizza place.

"Sounds good." He says laughing.

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