Devils Spawn

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Dear future me,

Things are different not dating Paul. But maybe it's for the best. I can move on to better things now. And amazingly Chandler saved me from him. That was a weird experience. It doesn't make up for anything, but I guess it is a start.

Until next time,



"How's your mom been?" I ask Simon. We are sitting at the park near my house. He offered to drop me off after golfing and we ended up going to the park instead.

"She's good, been asking about you, I swear I'm going to come and kidnap you if you don't come over soon," He says with a chuckle.

"I'll stop by soon. If you tried to kidnap me you would be hurt," I tell him. A mischievous glint shows in his eye.

"We'll see about that," He says smirking.

"Now I'm scared," I say, looking at him. He just smiles and shakes his head. "Simon I don't know what your thinking but stop thinking it," I demand.

"All good things, all good things," He says mimicking Olaf from Frozen.

I throw my head back laughing.

"You need to lay off the Disney, Wright. It's getting to your head. Plus cute little Olaf's personality doesn't match yours, you're more like a Christoph." He gives me an incredulous look so I explain, "He's a sweet guy who helps a girl out." I explain. He nods his head smiling, "also he smells like a reindeer." He looks shocked.

"Your words wound me, Soph." He says placing a hand over his heart.

I shiver and he seems to notice because he looks at his phone and then back at me, "It's late, I should head home. I'll see you, tomorrow Soph." He looks like he wants to say something more but he turns and leaves.


"Thank God it's Friday!" I exclaim. Simon looks over at me and chuckles from the driver's seat. He offered me a ride home and I didn't want to ride the bus so I took it, being as Anna ditched me.

"Yeah, good thing," He says, distractedly. Suddenly he looks at me, his eyes lit up. "We should go to the beach tomorrow! I have this spot that I've been wanting to show you for a while."

"Okay, sounds like fun, even though it's still too cold to swim," I say pouting.

"Well what do you expect? It's almost Christmas." What?

I forgot about Christmas! Christmas!

"That's coming up so fast," I say. I already got Justin his present months ago. My dad never takes anything from us so I normally make a card. I have to get something for my mom, Dan, Simon, Anna, and Brad.

"Yeah, it's next week. Which means no school for two weeks."

"It's on Monday right?" I ask and he nods. I'll give him my present this weekend. "I've gotta go shopping," I tell him. "Thanks for the ride, see you tomorrow."

"Bye Soph." He says shooting me one of his million-dollar smiles. Man, he's good looking.

"Keep smiling Simon," I tell him getting out of the car.

He honks at me and I turn back and wave at him. Running inside I grab my keys and head to the store.


I ended up getting Dan a bobblehead of a catcher that resembled him. I got Anna the new eye shadow palette she wanted. I got Brad a two-liter of rootbeer. I got a little wooden figure thing that my mom loves, there are a bunch of different ones. And I got Simon a bunch of scary movies since I know he loves them. I made sure he didn't have them by asking his mom to check.

From Simon: hey, wanna go out and do smth? I'm bored.

To Simon: sure, sounds like fun, wanna pick me up at my place?

From Simon: I'll see you there ;)

I hop into my car and drive home, getting there right as Simon pulls in.

"You know what we should do?" I say when he gets out.

"I dunno, what?" He asks, looking at me.

"Go horseback riding, all the time you were staying here I never had a chance to show you Perdita," I state, grinning at him.

"I don't know Soph." He says scratching the back of his neck.

"Please Simon, horse riding is one of my favorite things to do," I plead, looking at him with puppy dog eyes that always make my dad agree.

He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Alright, let's go."

"Yay!" I yell doing a little happy dance, "you can ride Devils Spawn." Justin named his horse that because of it's attitude if it doesn't like you it'll buck you right off.

"Excuse me, I think I heard you wrong, what's the horses' name?"

"Devils Spawn," I say again.

"Why's he named that?" He asks fear showing in his eyes.

"Well he can get a little ornery, and if he doesn't like you he'll buck ya right off, but otherwise he's a sweetheart," I say quickly, his eyes widen and he shakes his head.

"There's is no way I'm getting on that horse." He says.

"Oh c'mon Simon, it won't be that bad. Last time he bucked me off it didn't even hurt," I say, leaving out the part where I was bucked into a pile of hay, oh well.

"You owe me." He says. We walk up to the stables and I hear Perdita whiny.

"Hello, sweetie," I say, stroking Perdita's nose.

She pushes her head more into my hand and I rest my forehead on hers.

When she pulls away I turn and see Simon there, watching me with an unreadable expression. I forgot he was there. I feel myself blush, I never do that I front of other people, mostly because I don't bring people out here.

Simon looks over to the stall across from the one I'm outside of. Devils Spawn is standing there with his head out of the door, held high. I've always admired that horse. He's beautiful and holds his head up high and proud.

"That him?" He says gulping.

"Yup, that's him. He can be a little stubborn but I think you'll be alright."

"If I die I hope I go the opposite way this horse will if he kills me." I chuckle at his statement.

I pull a saddle onto both horses and hop up onto mine. Simon hesitates before grabbing the horn of the saddle and swinging himself up. I tense waiting for the horse to buck him off but he just sits there.

"What the?" I say, by now most people are already bucked off.

"What?" Simon asks, looking at me with confusion.

"Why isn't he bucking you off?" I ask, more to myself. 

"I don't know, maybe he just likes me?" He says, making it sound more like a question.

"Odd, he only likes Justin. Try gently tapping your heels into his side, like this." I tap my heals to Perdita's side and she starts to walk forward. Simon copies my movement and the horse starts to walk. "That's amazing. Let's get going then since he isn't going to buck you off." I click my heels into Perdita's side a little harder and she starts to gallop, heading towards my favorite place.

The creek.

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