Like Einstein Smart

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Dear future me,

Simon now knows I have nightmares. He probably thinks I'm some freak. Normal people don't scream randomly in the middle of the night. My parents and brother are so used to it, they normally sleep through it. I just pray he doesn't tell anyone else.

Until next time,



I walk downstairs the morning after my nightmare. Hopefully Simon doesn't ask me about it because I'm not ready to talk about it to anyone.

I was dreaming about Janet. Janet was my older sister, she was twenty-one and lived in the house we live in now. Her room was the extra room that Julia is in. That's why Justin left when he heard Julia was sleeping there. Janet died from a heart attack this summer. That's part of the reason we moved here. The other part was Chandler, my bully.

I see Simon sitting at the counter, when he looks at me he smiles. "Good morning," He says.

"Morning Simon," I answer, grabbing the cereal out of the cupboard.

"Ready for school?" He asks.

"Yeah, we have that play today," I say, pouring some milk into the bowl.

"Oh yeah, that should go good. I still think we should've done an action seen," He grumbles and I roll my eyes.

We sit in a comfortable silence eating when I hear thumping on the stairs and see Justin and Julia run down.

"Morning!" They say in unison.

"Good morning," I say chuckling at them.


"Dan and Isabell are up first, then Simon and Sophia, then Paul and Anna..." Ms. Mohr says, listing off the performances.

They walk to the front of the room performing their play which is pretty funny. Even our teacher is laughing.

They bow and sit down. I look at Simon and smile. "Our turn," He says getting up.

We get ready and when the teacher nods we start.

"We can not be seen together, my love, or you will surely be killed," I say looking into his eyes. Trying to make my voice sound sad.

"Please come with me. We can run away together," He pleads, grabbing my hands.

"I-I can't, they will find us. I know it," I say hanging my head. My voice filled with fake sorrow.

"Please, please come with me. I can't live without you," He begs, getting down on both knees.

I go down to his level and throw my arms around his neck and hug him. "Okay, I will run away with you. Meet me here in two days at midnight." I lean in like I'm going to kiss him and so does he.

I pull away smiling and we both get up and the entire class starts clapping. We bow and walk back to our desks. Anna gives me a high five. "Awesome job, it looked real!" 

Huh, we must be pretty good actors

"Thanks. Good luck." I say as she gets up to preform.

I turn to Simon, "I think we did awesome!" I say, grinning at him.

"Well how couldn't we, you are a great actor." He says, making me blush.

"Thanks, your pretty good too." I turn around when I hear Anna start talking.


"This food will never get old," I say to Anna. We are at my favorite restaurant. AKA Culvers. She rolls her eyes at me and looks back at her phone. She's been texting all afternoon with a goofy grin on her face. I'm guessing it's Sam. He finally asked her out and they are going on a date Saturday. 

"Can you stop texting lover boy and have an actual conversation with your best friend?" I ask, throwing one of her own fries at her because you never waste a good fry unless it's someone else's.

She huff but finally puts her phone away. "So when is Simon going home?" She asks.

"I don't know, he said he might wait till his mom gets home, I don't know how he isn't running for the hills the second his house is done," I say, taking a sip from my rootbeer float.

"Isn't it obvious?" She says, looking at me like I'm dumb.

"Um no?"

"He likes you." She says in a duh tone.

My eyes widen and I shake my head. "There's no way, he's the most popular boy in school, there's no way he likes me." 


"Honey, you have to stop putting yourself down. You are beautiful, smart, like Einstein smart, and you aren't a stuck up snob like Jenna," She says, rolling her eyes at me.

"You're just exaggerating because you're my best friend," I say. Before she can answer someone taps me on the shoulder.

"Hey guys, mind if I join you?" Paul says, with a tray in his hand. I nod and he takes a seat next to me.

"What's up?" He questions, popping one of my fries in his mouth. I gape at him.

"Y-you... you ate one of my fries!" I say, still staring at him as he smirks.

"Yup, they taste way better than mine," He says, reaching his to grab another but I slap it, really hard. He grunts in pain.

"That'll teach you to touch my fries," I say, smirking at him.

I see Anna looking at with an amused smile on her face. "Man your friends vicious," Paul says, looking at Anna while rubbing his hand. 


Simon and I are on the couch watching The Fast and The Furious. The entire series is like my favorite ever. After a while, Simon turns to me. 

"Want to play twenty questions?" He asks me.

"Sure, I'll go first. What's your favorite color?" I ask, turning my head from the screen.

"Green," He answers almost immediately. "How about you?"

"An ocean or teal blue, blue for sure." When I say this he sits a little straighter. Odd.

"Favorite kind of ice cream?" He asks.

"Mint chip. It is so good." He chuckles and nods his head.

"Me too." He says.

We go back and forth asking all kinds of questions, some funny, some serious, mostly funny.

After a while, we decide to play the game Clue. I can read people's eyes so I won both games easily.

"You cheated!" He accuses me.

"Did not! I can read eyes, which is a skill not cheating."

Dear Future Me [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now