Let's Go, Romeo

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"He cheated on me okay! Does that make you happy?" She screams at me, a sob escaping her lips and tears streaking her face.

I start to reach out to touch her, comfort her but she slams the door on me and locks it.

What did I just do? God, I'm a dumbass.

"Soph? Please open the door, love. I didn't mean it, please let me in" I plead, my voice much softer than before. I wasn't even mad at her, just Paul, I knew he did something but I never thought he would do that.

My blood starts to boil thinking of how Paul cheated on Sophia.

I'm gonna kill him. I swear.

"Go away Simon, you're really not helping," Anna says from behind the door, her voice groggy.

"Anna let me in," I demand.

"No, go away. She doesn't need another guy around right now."

"Another guy? I'm her friend, Cmon Ann." I plead.

"Go away, Simon. You have barely talked to the girl this month. Now is not the time to try and win her heart over." I hear her walk away probably to a crying Sophia.

My heart hurts just thinking about the fact I made her cry.

"I'll be back later," I say quietly in a defeated tone, even though I know no one will hear.

Now for Paul.


Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Did you find Soph?" Paul says as soon as he answers the door.

My fist flies on its own accord and hits him smack in the face.

"Yeah, I found her you ass," I growl, taking a step towards him, he takes one back.

"What-" before he can finish I punch him again.

"I told you, you hurt her, I hurt you," I say punching him again, this time he stumbles and falls.

"What are you talking about, I didn't do anything to hurt her," He says innocently, making me really angry.

"Try again," I say walking closer.

"I have nothing to say," He says, smirking at me.

"Fine." I kick him once and then drop down to his level to keep punching him.

When I feel he's learned his lesson I stand back up and walk out.

To Dan: found Soph, meet me at our spot ASAP.

From Dan: see you soon.

I hop into my car and drive to the old abandoned elevator.

"Where's Soph?" Dan asks looking into my car when he arrives.

"Anna's." Though I wish she was with me, in my arms.

"Why are your knuckles all busted open?" I look down at my hands and sure enough, they're all bloodied.

"Paul," I state simply like it answers everything. Dan's face contorts into a confused look.

"What happened?"

So I tell hin everything I know, except for the part about the mini fight between me and Soph, and he looks as angry as I feel.

"I'm gonna kill him." He growls.

"I already beat him up, he won't be a problem," I say, satisfaction lacing my tone.

"And you didn't even wait for me. Let's go to Anna's, I want to see Soph," He says walking towards his car.

"Um yeah, I probably shouldn't go." His head whips towards me.

"And what did you do?" He asks.

"Um I may have accidentally got into a fight with Sophia today, she screamed at me then slammed the door, Anna told me to leave and I beat up Paul." My heart clenches thinking about the tears streaming down her face.

"What the hell man? How stupid are you?" He questions throwing his hands up in the air.

"I need to see her, but I don't want to get rejected again," I say honestly.

"Well, I'm going whether you are or not," He says, turning on his heel.

"I'm comin'."

Dan drives over to Anna's place way faster than he should and I follow right behind him.

When we get there he jumps out and runs to the door, I take my time, anxious about whether she'll let me in or not.

Dan knocks and the door opens to reveal a woman that looks a lot like Anna. "Can I help you, boys?" She asks.

"Yeah, are Anna and Sophia here?" Dan asks, throwing her one of his million-dollar smiles.

"They just left, I don't know when they'll be back," She says, her lips pressed in a tight line.

"I don't believe you," He says bluntly.

"I could care less what you believe, now please get off my porch," She demands, closing the door on his face.

"You know they're in there right?" 

"Yup," I say looking up at the windows upstairs. I see a room with pink curtains and point to it. "That's Anna's room, no doubt."

"Definitely. What are we gonna do?" He asks with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Let's go get some flowers and some small rocks," I say winking at him.

"Good idea, they'll definitely let us in then." He says matter-of-factly.

"Obviously, it's my plan," I say in a duh tone.

"Well let's go, Romeo."

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