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 Dear future me,

I am actually excited for this tournament. It will be a lot of fun I think and it is a good time to reconnect with Brad. 

Until next time,



Simon and I hop in the back and Dan and Brad hop in the front. "I think I'm gonna go back to sleep guys," I tell them after finishing my food.

"Okay sleep, good Soph," Dan and Brad say.

I rest my head on the seat belt and keep shifting until I'm comfortable. I look over and see Simon frowning. "You alright?" I ask him quietly.

"Yeah," He says, "get some sleep."

I readjust again and decide to lean my head backward. Slowly I go asleep listening to Dan and Brad argue about whos the hottest new model.


"Come on soph, get up," Someone says to me. I grunt and turn away from them. "I'm going to pick you up then,' The person says. I nod my head and feel myself being lifted. I open my eyes and see Brad looking at me with amusement in his eyes. "Hello, Sleeping Beauty." He says, smirking at me.

"Eh, not really a beauty, she's drooling," Dan says. My hand goes up to my mouth and I glare at him realizing that I wasn't actually drooling.

"Put me down you dork," I say to Brad.

"No," He says with a mischievous glint in his eyes. My eyes widen as he throws me over his shoulder and starts to run.

"P-put me down!" I yell at him, laughing the entire time.

"Never!" He laughs back.

"Dan help!" I yell at him and he smirks at me and shakes his head. Brad's hands go up to my sides and start tickling me. "No p-please stop, put my down you goof!" I gasp laughing so hard my eyes are watering.

"Put her down." Simon grunts in a rude voice. Brad stops tickling me and we all look at Simon curiously, he just shrugs.

"Oookay," Dan says awkwardly, clapping his hands. "Let's get settled in so we can get to practice."

Sam, Anna, and Paul already pulled in so I go to the room Anna and I are sharing. "Ann! I'm here!" I yell, the bathroom door swings open and she runs to me, giving me a hug.

"I'm so excited, I can't wait to watch the guys play!" She says excitedly.

"Yeah, some more than others." I snicker and she blushes.

"Their first game isn't for another 3 hours. Want to go to the pool?" She asks grinning, I nod my head and we change into our bikinis. Mine is teal with white polka dots and doesn't show to much. Annas is pink with a colorful flower print.

"Ready to go?" I ask, grinning and she nods.

We walk out into the hallway, looking to see if anyone is around and no one is. We walk down the hall and get into the elevator. When it opens at the bottom we are met with the boys holding food in their hands. Simon, Paul, and Sam's jaws drop open. Dan is smirking and Brad is just his normal self because he's seen me in a bikini a hundred times.

"Going swimming girls?" Brad asks.

"Yup, you want to join us since you aren't playing?" I ask him casually, ignoring the stares from Paul and Simon.

"Sure, I'll be right down," He says as we switch spots in the elevator. I see Paul look me up and down shamelessly again and feel my cheeks turning red from embarrassment. I know I have a good body but I'm still self-conscious.

"The only boys that didn't just check you out was Sam and brad," Anna says, smirking at me.

"Brad has seen me in a bikini a hundred times," I say rolling my eyes. "We grew up together so it's normal."

"Oh, that's cool. But did you notice that Simon didn't stop staring the entire time? Even Paul moved his eyes." My eyes widen as she says this and I try to hide my blush, turning my head away.

"Let's get going," I mumble to her and she snickers.

"We should go in the hot tub first and then the pool," Anna suggests.

"Okay." I agree, walking to the hot tub. I step into the warm water and soak for about five minutes. "Ready?" I ask Anna and she nods we both get up and run towards the pool. I jump into the deep end and am met with freezing cold water.

"It's freezing!" Anna yells as she resurfaces.

"Cannonball!" Brad yells, jumping in right next to me, splashing water into my face.

"Brad!" I exclaim, hitting him in the shoulder.

"Soph!" He mimics, splashing more water in my face.

"And I'm Anna!" Anna yells making us laugh.

"Too bad the other boys couldn't swim with us, maybe later," Brad says and we nod our heads in agreement.

"Want to have a diving contest for old times sake?" Brad asks.

"You're on," I say, grinning at him. We used to have diving contests all the time. You would see who can reach the bottom and then hit the surface and then dive again, first. I won a lot of the time, but I think Brad went easy on me since I was much shorter at the time. Not that I'm tall now I just grew an extra 3 inches.


"Let's get going to the game. It starts in half an hour." I say, grabbing my room key and walking out of the room with Anna and Brad.

"Do you know who they're playing?" Anna asks.

"Roseville." Me and Brad answer in unison. The park is across the street so we don't have to drive, which is nice. We walk across the road and to field four where the boys are warming up. The other team is sporting there red and black uniforms.

The ref calls for the captains to come for the coin toss. We are batting first, so Simon will start.

The first pitch is a ball, the second a strike that he fouls, the third another Strike that fouls, the fourth a ball, and the fifth a ball. It's 3-2, Simon is either going to walk, strikeout, or hit the ball.

"Come on Simon," I whisper as the pitcher gets ready.

He releases and the ball goes hurtling towards Simon, the ball collides with him and he falls.


Dear Future Me [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now