It Wasn't a Dream

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Dear future me,

I'm really happy to have Simon back in my life. We are even better friends than we were before. It's awesome.

Until next time,



Simon grabs my hand again as we start walking and the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. He acts like it's nothing so I do too.

We walk up a hill and when we stop I see we reached the edge of a cliff. I walk forward to look over and see the waves crashing below.

"It's beautiful here," I say, looking over at Simon.

"Wait till the sun sets," He says, gazing at the sky.

"How'd you find this place?" I ask. He tenses and looks over at me.

"My... um, my father used to bring me here. We'd go down to the beach and fish and swim." He says, smiling.

"Oh." Seriously, he tells me about his father, even if it isn't much, and all I say is 'oh'.

I'm an idiot.

"Look," He says, pointing to the sky with a smile on his face.

I look and see the sky is in different shades of purple, pink, orange, blue, and so many other colors.

"This," I gesture around us, "is amazing."

He chuckles next to me. I keep looking at the sky until the sun sets. When I turn my head to look at him, he's staring at me.

"What?" I say, subconsciously I comb through my hair.

"Nothin'." He says, a grin on his face.

We sit there in comfortable silence for a while, he asks if I'm ready to head home I nod my head.

"Thanks for bringing me here Simon, it's a beautiful place."

"You showed me your special place, and now I've shown you mine," He says smiling at me. I grin back and take his hand in mine without even thinking. I blush at my boldness but don't try to pull my hand away. I don't think Simon would let me anyway, he has a very strong grip.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask hesitantly.

"Sure. Anything."

"What happened to your father? Where is he? It's okay if you don't want to answer. I'm just curious."

"My father died in a car crash when I was young. He was drunk driving. I was in the car too. He hit a deer, and he didn't make it. I still get nightmares about it to this day."

"I get nightmares too about Janet, which you already kind of know. Anyways, thanks for telling me."

"Anytime, Soph. I got nothing to hide."

We walk to his car in silence, sneaking glances at each other. When he pulls his hand away I instantly miss the warmness it brings. But I don't miss it for long because as soon as we hop in the car he takes my hand again.

We keep sneaking glances at each other all the way to my house. I don't want to let go of his hand but I do and step out of the car. He surprises me when he also gets out.

When we step onto my porch he finally says something.

"Before I go there's one thing I want to do." He says, a glint in his eyes. He looks down at my lips and starts to lean in, so I do too. When his lips brush against mine my stomach erupts into butterflies and my hands go up around his neck, pulling him closer. The kiss is soft and slow. I could kiss him like this forever but because we humans need oxygen we pull apart, breathing hard. I rest my forehead against his and look right into his eyes that are swirling with a mix of emotions, some I cannot place.

"Goodnight, Soph," He says in a husky voice.

"Goodnight Simon," I say breathlessly. Neither of us pulls away though.

"Okay, I'm going to go now." He says, still not pulling away.

"Do you want to come inside?" I ask sheepishly. His eyes light up and he nods his head.

"Yeah, I do. Let me call my mom quick." He says, grabbing his phone.

I walk inside and touch my tingling lips. Sure I've been kissed before, but never like that.

"Alright, ready to go to bed?" He asks. I nod my head and we head up to my room. As I close the door I turn around and he pulls me into another kiss and I eagerly kiss him back.

I go to my closet to change into pajama pants and a tank top. When I come back into the room Simon is standing there in all his shirtless glory and I can't help but gawk at him. When I manage to peel my eyes away from his toned chest and stomach I see him smirking at me and my cheeks heat up.

He lays down on the bed and opens his arms, "Come here." He says.

I walk over and lay down inside his arms. He pulls me tightly to his chest and I know he's asleep by his rhythmic breathing. Soon I drift off to sleep too.


I wake up slightly panicked because I can't move. I struggle to get up and I hear a groan. I freeze and look to my side,  but I relax when I see Simon. He's still asleep and I take time to admire his face. After a couple of minutes, he opens one eye and then the other. He smiles when he sees me.

"So it wasn't a dream then," He mumbles in a husky morning voice. Butterflies erupt in my stomach and I smile back at him.

"Definitely not," I say pecking him on the lips. He tries to get me to kiss him more but I shake my head. "Morning breath," I say and he smiles and shakes his head.

"I couldn't care less if your breath smells or your hair is messy, or if your clothes are wrinkled. You'll still be beautiful." I feel my face heat up immensely set his words.

"You still don't get to kiss me in the morning mister," I say and he sticks his bottom lip out to pout.

"Fine then hurry and brush your teeth." He says, unwrapping his arms from around me.

"Yes, sir," I say saluting him.

Dear Future Me [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now