Change of Plans

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Dear future me,

I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend like Paul. He is so attentive and makes sure I'm taken care of. I'm also lucky to have avoided Chandler for awhile. One thing that has changed is that I don't see Simon much. I miss him, to be honest. He was a good friend of mine. It's crazy how quickly things change.

Until next time,



It's been a month since Paul and I have started dating. Well, it'll be a month tomorrow. Everything is going great, Paul is such a nice and caring boyfriend.

"So what are you and Paul gonna do your one month?" Anna asks, she's sitting on my bed, gazing at her phone.

"I'm not sure yet, I think I'm gonna surprise him at his place since his parents are gone tomorrow," I tell her, she nods, nod taking her gaze from her phone.

"You talked to Simon lately?" She asks, finally looking at me.

"Um no, not really, I don't know why but the day Paul and I started dating, I guess we just kinda drifted apart, especially since he moved back in with his mom when we got home," I explain, she shakes her head at me and mumbles something under her breath.

"What?" I ask, exasperated.

"Nothin'. Now, can we please watch some Supernatural, Dean is calling my name." She says, fanning her face.

"Yeah yeah, put it in."

"That's what she said." 


I decide to surprise Paul while he's still in bed, so I drive over to his house at seven.

When I walk into the house, it's quite like I expected. I smile to myself when I see the classic 'keep out' sign on his door.

I quietly step into his room and walk towards his bed but stop when I see a foot that is was definitely not Paul's. I look around his room and see girls' clothes and to top it off, red heels.

With tears welling up in my eyes I leave and slam the door behind me, running to my car.

I don't really know how but I manage to make it to Anna's house. Without knocking I go inside and run up the stairs.

"Anna," I sob, going into her room.

"Soph? What's wrong?" She questions worriedly, jumping up from her bed.

"He... he's in b-bed with another g-girl." I cry.

"Shh, I'll go get the ice cream and some chick flicks." She says hurrying out of the room. "Now let's eat so much ice cream that it looks like we are pregnant and cry to the 'Fault in Our Stars'."

I smile slightly because she said exactly what I did when she and her boyfriend broke up. "'The Notebook' too?" I ask, quoting her.

"Anything, you want, hell we can even watch Sweeney Todd." She says once again quoting me, even though she knows I hate Sweeney Todd.

Like seriously after watching that movie for the first time, I sat there feeling hollow inside, then I went on a rant about how it was the worst movie I have ever watched and it made me depressed with how bad it was, because Johnny Depp doesn't deserve to be in a movie that bad.

I shiver in disgust and shake my head, a small smile on my face. Leave it to Anna to make me smile at any time.

"Definitely not, but can we watch 'The Fast and The Furious' please? The new one is coming out and I wanted to do a marathon anyway." I plead, I really love, love, love those movies, Anna doesn't like them very much though.

"Ugh fine, only because it's you." She sighs, grabbing all the discs that I keep at her house.

"Vin Diesel here I come," I say rubbing my hands together.


I wake up and rub my eyes, thank god it Sunday, I don't think I could go to school today.

I look at my phone and see I have thirty texts.

Most are from Paul, a couple are from Simon, and one is from Dan.

From Dan: Soph where are you, we are all looking for you, plz text us back

From Simon: are you ok? Plz call me soph I need to know your ok

From Simon: srsly not funny. Call me, or text me idc

From Simon: if you don't call me back by Monday, I'm calling the police

Jeez, Simon is really worried, I better call him now.

"Soph?" A worried Simon says.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask, acting casual.

"Where are you? I went to your house and your parents said you went out for the day with Paul and probably wouldn't come home, but Paul couldn't find you either, and we even asked Dan, we asked everyone. Fuck we are really stupid, your at Anna's aren't you?" He asks, somehow managing to get that all in in one breath. A smile appears on my face because of how worried he is.

"Yup." I say, popping the "p".

"Wait why? I thought it was you and Paul's, uh, one month." My face falls immediately.

"Change of plans," I mutter bitterly.

"Soph, what happened? What did he do? If he hurt you I swear-" He starts in on another ramble but I cut him off.

"It's nothing Simon don't worry. I'll see you at school okay?" I ask quietly, my voice breaking at the end.


"Goodbye Simon." I hang up the phone and sigh. Should I open these or delete them? After an internal battle my curiosity wins and I open them.

From Paul: baby? Where are you? It's everything alright?

I get angry reading this text and decide not to read anymore.

To Paul: fuck off

I toss my phone aside and look to Anna who is still sleeping. The doorbell rings and I go downstairs to answer, probably not the smartest idea. As soon as I open the door I'm engulfed in two strong arms and the scent of Cedar. Simon.

"What did he do?" He growls, his hold tightening around me.

"Nothing-" I start.

"Bull. Tell me what he did." He tries again, sounding very angry and I'm afraid to look up.

"It's none of your business," I state pulling out of his arms and crossing my own. I immediately miss the comfort that came with them but I stayed in my place.

"It is my business." He all but yells.

"Oh please explain." I snap back sarcastically.

"Your so narrow-minded you can't even figure out the most simple of things can you?" He yells at me with a sneer on his face.

"He cheated on me okay! Does that make you happy?" I scream at him, a sob escaping my lips.

Dear Future Me [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now