Part 11:- Sticky Paper Edges.

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HEY GUYS! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Please listen to the song above it's Renegades by X Ambassadors!



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As soon as El woke up, she found herself on the floor in the hallway with everyone surrounding her.

"Is she ok?", said a voice from the crowd.

"What happened to her?", said another.

As El tried to take in her surroundings, she felt a warm hand touch her shoulder.

She jumped, but calmed down when she realised who it was.


"Jane? Are you ok?", he said whilst gently pushing her into a seated position.

As he did so, Max and Mike rushed to the scene after realising what had just happened.

"Jane are you okay?", said Max.

"What happened?", said Mike.

Eleven didn't say anything, but just sat on the floor taking deep breaths.

"Hey, Excuse me. Out the way.", said another voice from the crowd causing the students to make way.

Soon enough, a figure was stood in front of El.

Mr. Clarke.

"What the hell happened here?", he asked confused.

"We don't know.", replied Max.

"Take her to the principal's office."

Following Mr. Clarke's orders, Levi picked El up and headed to the principal's office with Max and Mike following behind.


As Jessica walked through the streets of Hawkins, all eyes were on her.

She noticed, but just had a smug look on her face.

She also noticed the amount of people gossiping and whispering about her.

But still, she didn't care.

Slowly, she made her way to Will's house.

As soon as she did, she knocked on the door twice.

No answer.

"Perfect.", she happily whispered to herself.

Jessica took a key out of her pocket and unlocked the door to the Byers' house.

Cautious, she walked in and looked around.

Then, she made her way down the hallway.

She opened every door trying to find Will's bedroom.

Finally, she did.

At the end of the hallway.

She opened the slightly ajar door to be greeted with a very messy room.

Again, she looked around.

Then, she came across Will's drawings.

Interested, she looked through them, but found nothing.

Suddenly, she stopped when she felt sticky slime covering the edges.

She swiped her fingers over the substance and looked at it.

What was it?

All of a sudden, she heard a car pull up from outside.

Quickly she put the pictures back in their places and left through the window.


"We're calling you're dad. Just wait outside.", the principal told Eleven.

Slowly, El got up from her seat and exited the office.

"What'd he say?", asked Mike.

"He said he's calling my dad.", replied Eleven.

"Okay.", said Michael.

"El?", he added.


"What really happened?"

Not wanting to answer his question, Eleven turned away from Mike's concerned gaze.

"El. Please, just tell-", he was cut off by the voice of Ward.

"Jane? Are you okay?"


HEY GUYS! Thanks for reading this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it! BYE!

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