Part 12:- The Best Option.

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HEY GUYS! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Please listen to the song above it's Milk and Cookies by Melanie Martinez!



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Slowly, Jessica examined the slime she took from Will's drawings.

"What the hell?", she whispered to herself.

She touched the slime a little more before putting it back in the container she stored it in.

Suddenly, she heard the door unlock.

Quickly, she put everything away and sat on the chair looking as if she hadn't done anything the whole day.

"Hello sweetie.", said Charles as he entered the room.

"Hey dad.",replied Jessica.

"What have you been up to all day?"

"Oh, nothing. Just studying."

"That's my girl."

Sweetly, Jess faked an innocent smile before going up to kiss her father's cheek and leaving the room.


"Jane, in order to help you, I need you to tell me what you saw.", repeated the woman sitting on the chair.

Instead of answering the woman's question, Eleven just looked away wishing the conversation would just end.

"Look lady, if she doesn't want to talk, she doesn't want to talk. Okay?", said Ward.

"I understand, but this is serious. If these panic attacks carry on any longer, Jane is just going to end up just being scared her whole life."

"Then what do we do?", asked Hopper.

"I suggest she be sent away."

"What do you mean 'sent away?'"

"Hawkins Mental Institution: Home for the sick and Unstable."

"For what?"

"From Jane's behaviour, I have been able to diagnose Miss. Ives with Paranoid Schizophrenia."

"Why didn't you tell us that before?"

"I didn't want to scare Jane, but I guess now would've been the right time to tell you."

"Can I talk to you outside for a second?", Hopper asked the consultant.

Slowly, the woman agreed and left the room with the chief leaving only El and her father alone.

"What is it you would like to talk about?"

"Are you serious?"

"Everything I've been saying is serious. Jane needs as much help as she can get."

"But sending her to a mental hospital? Isn't that a bit too much?"

"Of course not. Look, if we don't send her there, she will live in fear and will never be independent. Understand? Just, please think about it. It's the best option. In fact, one of the only options.", persuaded the lady before heading back into the room.

"The best option.", repeated Hopper.


HEY GUYS! Thanks for reading this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it! BYE!

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