Part 29:- The Plan.

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HEY GUYS! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Please vote, comment and listen to the song above it's Rolling In The Deep by Adele!

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"Wait, what happened?!", asked Hopper.

"Somehow Will ended up back in the Upside-Down and he saw the Demogorgon-", started Dustin.

"But there was a girl in the Demogorgon and she was screaming for help.", finished Will.

"A girl?"


"Well, do you know who she was? Or where she came from?"

"No. But I know we need to find her. And we need your help."



"Look kid, I've been through enough over the past couple of weeks. I mean, you're all 18, I'm sure you're independent enough to do this on your own."

"Hopper, please. We need your help. This girl needs your help."

"I don't even know this 'girl'"

"What if this was your daughter? What would you do? Leave her for dead?", said Mike.

"C'mon, don't play the dead daughter card on me."

"Just please, think about it.", pleaded Will before he was about to make his way out the door.

"Wait!", yelled the chief.


"I'll do it."


"But you owe me."


Slowly, El walked through the opposite dimension.

The Upside-Down.

As she carefully walked further, she heard crunching.

And growling.

The same growing Will had heard the other day.

Cautious, she turned around.

And there it was.

The Demogorgon.

In Eleven intense silence, she screamed with her whole body. Her eyes wide with horror, her mouth rigid and open and her fists clenched with blanched knuckles and her nails dug deeply into the palms of her hand.

As soon as she stopped, another loud scream could be heard.

But this time not coming from El, but from the Demogorgon.

Eleven tried running, but she couldn't. She was stuck in place.

But how?

She knew it would be the end, so she just stared a the Demogorgon, hoping something would happen.

As she looked closer, she noticed something.

Another face.

The same face Will saw.

The girls face.

And she noticed something else too.

The scream.

It was saying something else.


The same thing Will heard...

Suddenly, El woke up. Eyes wide, sweat plastering her hair onto her forehead.

"Hey, shh, shh. It's okay.", said a voice coming from besides Eleven.

Quickly, she turned her head to see Jess.

"Jessica?", asked El.

"I'm back.", she replied.

Suddenly, Eleven felt a sharp pain in her shoulder. Everything started to get hazy. El felt a little loopy. Then everything started to get even blurrier.

And blurrier.

And blurrier

Until, everything was black...


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