why (14)

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Jin looked through the gap of the creaked door, his whole world crumpling as he watched the scene.

Jimin's lips never left Namjoon's as he tore of Namjoon's white shirt. Jimin planted wet kisses on Namjoon's lonesome collar bone, making Namjoon grab at the sheets.

"Fuck..Fu-mm.." Namjoon muttered as Jimin trimmed his waist. Namjoon's voice was raspy and sour. It scared Jin.

Jin backed away from the door, slamming it as he rushed down the hallway. He heard a yelp come from the room.

Jin threw his body onto Yoongi's. In shock, both Yoongi and Hoseok helped Jin up.

Jin's eyes were puffy and sobs escaped his quivering lips.

Both of the boys asked what was wrong tons of times, begging for Jin to amswer. Jin didn't want to. He didn't want anyone to know what Jimin and Namjoon were doing.

"Perhaps he's a sad drunk.." Yoongi coughed. Hoseok agreed and they went back to talking, still comforting Jin.

As the two talked, possible scenarios filled Jin's absent mind.

What if they've been doing this for awhile?

Are Jimin and him dating and I was never told?

What if Jimin texts Namjoon nudes and shit?

He felt his heart stop as a kiss was planted on his neck. He turned around and backhanded the side of Namjoon's face.

Namjoon stumbled back, shocked. "Fuck! What the hell, Jin!" Namjoon hissed as Jimin ran to his side.

Jin didn't stop, he pushed Jimin away from Namjoon and pinned him against the wall.

All attention turned to the two.

Jin's knuckles turned a cream white as he held Namjoon's collar in his fist.

"Stay far away me, Kim Namjoon. You're poison." Jin growled in broken sobs as he let go of Namjoon, Namjoon falling to his knees.

Jin ran to Yoongi and Hoseok nodded. They made their way outside, Jin could hear Tae and Jungkook in the background.

"What the fuck, you two!" Jungkook growled.

"I thought you were actually in love with him, Namjoon. " Taehyung spat at Jimin.

The sound of the blaring music was drowned from the car with Jin's sobs, Hoseok pulled him into a passionate hug.

"I-it's okay...Please Jin.." Yoongi sighed as he drove onto the main road. Hoseok was still holding Jin in his arms, kissing Jin's head simultaneously.

"You're coming to live with me and Yoongi. Don't think we didn't hear the story about your parents hateful of gays...Just stay with us as long as you need. Highschool is over...You don't have to see him all the time.." Hoseok assured Jin as Jin's eyes became puffy and tears drying.

All Jin could think was, why.

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