help (21)

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//AU: I'm going to try and make other character's P.O.V. instead of just a 3rd person view. :) Sorry if it's sheit.

~Jin's P.O.V.~

Namjoon violently chugged another shot, Yoongi patting my back with his fists. "Fuuuccck; you're boyfriend is wild~" The slur was heavy in Yoongi's voice, and everyone around me reeked of alcohol. I clapped, my hands stinging, as he inhaled two more shots.

"D-Damn! Namjoon, that's coming back to bite your tight ass in the morning" I giggled, Namjoon turning a light red. Jungkook pulled him into a hug, his arm holding Namjoon in place around his neck.

"Tight?! You guys had a good fuck, I guess." Taehyung giggled, the sounds sounding as them came from a school girl. I eyed Hoseok behind Taehyung, who had tears rolling down his face from laughing so hard.

"Sour much, Tae? I bet Jungkook or Jimin didn't give you a proper bang!" Yoongi hissed, snorting as be threw a solo cup at the floor. Luckily, it was empty.

I felt a hand creep around my shakey legs, the hands belonging to Hoseok. He covered my face with kisses, giggling. I smiled softly as I pet his head. The boy was harmless, loved Yoongi, and showed his affection very publicly.

Yoongi smiled at me, my face scrunched as Hoseok pinched my cheeks. "So chubby~ Jin, I've seen Y-you eat! No wonder why you've g-got these cheeks!" Hoseok giggled, ruffling my hair with his stalky hand.

I laughed it off, not sure to take it as an insult or compliment. "Yep!" Everyone continued to laugh and talk, but the sounds were drowned off by my thoughts.

My eyes drifted side to side, looking at all of the boy's bright features. I finally meet Namjoon's stern gaze, it piercing my mind. He was pissed, I could tell. His solo cup was crushed in his hand, and he eyed Hoseok behind me, then me. I shoke, Namjoon slightly scaring me. What was he thinking about?


"What the hell?! Jin, fucking sit down." Namjoon growled, pulling at my shirt's collar as I began to tug it off. I choked slightly, my body flinging onto the bed.

Namjoon and I had been paired to sleep together, for obvious reasons. "What's your problem?" I hissed, taking off the heavy sweater. Namjoon's eyes went wide, my sass bothering him.

I gulped as he pulled my hair, making me and him eye to eye. "You know what my fucking problem is. Stay away from other boys, slut.." He sneered, his breathe reeking of alcohol and burning my nose.

I pushed him off of me, pinning him to the closest wall. "You need to learn how to treat a boy right, and don't get that damn close to me. You reek." I coughed, getting off of him.

I pulled off the ripped jeans I had, putting them with my sweater. As I went to the mirror, a violent smack came across my face, pushing me to the side.

I flinched, it stinging in pain. It glowed red on my face, making my ear red also. "S-shit.." I hissed.

Before I could get up, Namjoon's fist hit the side of my jaw. I yelped, pushing Namjoon away the best I could, yet failing. Another punch went to my nose, causing it to gush with blood, occupying my bleeding mouth.

"Shut the fuck up, and listen to me! You don't tell me what to fucking do! Just suck me off, and be good. You think I want to punch you! It's your fault, whore!" Namjoon picked me up, my vision in a blur and ears ringing. Tears fell off my face, hitting the carpet.

As tears flowed and I stood, crying, another smack attacked my face. I winced and pushed Namjoon off quickly. "St-stop! Get away! You're crazy!" I growled, jiggling the door nob as I rushed out into the hallway.

I threw myself into Yoongi's and Hoseok's room, who were doing each other's makeup. I felt tears fall more, Yoongi pointing to me.

My legs fell to the ground as I turned and locked the door. Hoseok ran to my body, lifting my heavy head. He gasped, examining the bruises Namjoon had left on my face.

"Why?! I thought he changed? We shouldn't let him touch alcohol." Yoongi hissed, helping Hoseok pick me up. My body plopped onto the bed, my vision getting fuzzy as I became exhausted.

I heard Hoseok yell and Yoongi as my eyelids fell.


Yoongi's P.O.V.

I jumped at Namjoon's booming voice that was at the other side of the door. "Fucking come out, Jin! Fuck you! " He growled, beating at the door. Hosoek was shaking as he cleaned Jin's unconscious face.

"Get the fuck away, Kim Namjoon! You could go to jail for this! I'm not afraid to call 911!" I yelled back, rubbing Hoseok's arm. He began to cry, looking at the blood on Jin's face.

"What the hell is going o- Namjoon! What the fuck! Why are your fists bleeding? I - Where's Jin?" Taehyung screamed, Jimin and Jungkook's voices were in the background.

Hoseok finally spoke, screaming to the other side of the door. "He's wasted and hurt Jin! Don't get to close, someone please call the police, Jin's unconscious.." He wept, his head falling as he cried.

Jungkook was screaming at Namjoon, who was yelling at him too. Taehyung was calling an ambulance and Jimin banged on the door.

I quickly got up and opened it to a slight degree. "Let me in, please. I want to see Jin!" He whined. I nodded and opened it so he could slip in. As he began to slide in, he was tugged back. A choked yelp escaping his lips as Namjoon threw him aside.

Jimin quickly got back up, slamming the door as he fell to the ground inside of our room. I kneeled and rubbed his back.

"They'll be here in 7. N-Namjoon stop!" Taehyung spat, his foot steps heavy in the hall.

I looked at Jin, holding onto his delicate hand. "Help will be here soon, Jin..Stay with us.."

//AU: IT WASN'T GOING TO GO DOWN LIKE THIS, BUT YAY. Sorry for hurting you if you got shook. I didn't proofread, so be ashamed.

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