massage (26)

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Jin's P.O.V.

I smiled as Namjoon blew a kiss to me, slamming the door quickly. He had to get Yoongi and Hoseok, and I still wasn't feeling well from the night before.

I sighed, resting my head on the soft pillow. I was exhausted from staying up with Namjoon since five, but he made it better.

My eyes began to fall as I stared at my phone, trying to keep up with the man on the screen who was screaming in horror from the video game he was playing.



jolted up, feeling a cold chill run down my back. I looked back to see a nurse undoing my nightgown. He was young, about two years older than me, and he checked up on me a lot.

"Hi, Jinnie! I was going to massage your back to help you sleep, you don't seem to be sleeping to well'." He chuckled, somehow making me worry. He normally was snappy and quick with other patients, yet kind to me.

"O-Okay.." I shivered as I flipped to my back, inching the blankets to cover my ass. I heard him hum as he began to rub my back softly.

I felt my eyes get droopy as he slowed his pace, carefully touching my gentle back. Yet, I stayed the same as he began to inch his hands down, too tired to move.

His hand squeezed my ass, causing me to yelp and sit up. I looked at him in shock as he took a hold of my jaw. "Be quiet. " He muttered, planting sloppy kisses on my chest

I whined and tried to hit him, yet my body too weak. He sneered at my sad exuse for fighting and gripped me tighter, making me wince.

I felt tears roll down my face as he  sucked at my neck, not able to stop this or even get help. I was hopeless.

Yet, I watched Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi walk through the door quietly, the nurse not noticing over my weeps and moans.

Namjoon tensed up, clenching his fist as Hoseok covered his mouth. Yoongi gasped silently as he pulled out his phone quickly, taking a picture as Namjoon rushed to the nurse.

He gripped his hair, my body falling back onto the bed as I sobbed, my gown across the room. "Get the fuck out of my boyfriend's room, I'm reporting you, sick fuck." Namjoon hissed as he pushed the man away from my bed .

Hoseok and Yoongi stood beside me, rubbing my face and arms to sooth me. "Don't have any proof I did shit! " The man scampered out of the room, laughing like a weasel as he slammed the door.

I quickly sprung my body into Namjoon's arm, my bare neck visible to him. He growled as he eyed each bruise and red mark.

He tore the blanket off of me, eyeing his part of my body. "Fucking lunatic...At least he didn't touch you anywhere else, right?" Hoseok cursed, rubbing my thigh.

I nodded as I weeped. Yoongi snickered as he began to dial the hospital's manager. "Don't have anything proof, eh?" Yoongi was pissed, his eyes filled with rage qnd anger as he began to speak on the phone.

"I'd like to report one of your staff.."

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