Chapter 20

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Lucy's POV

The train ride to Santa Monica Pier wasn't that long. Being there again scared me. I barely went anywhere near the water. Too many memories.

"Connor!" a girl said.

"Hannah!" he said.

"Hi, I'm Lucy," I smiled.

"I talked to you on the phone," she laughed.

"Yes, that was me." They began the photo shoot almost instantly. Connor smiled for the camera, I would playfully judge him. But after a while I got bored of watching Hannah take pictures of Connor.

"I'll be right back," I called to them.

"Where are you going?" Connor frowned, interrupting his photo shoot.

"I'm just going to walk around for a little bit," I laughed at his over-protectiveness. I thought it was cute.

"Okay," he pouted, "Just be careful," he pecked me and continued the shoot. I walked off of the beach and onto the boardwalk.

I walked around for a pretty long time. Everything looked different in the daylight. None of the boardwalk lights were on and nothing looked like it did a few nights ago. I heard music. One thing that's familiar. I smiled. I followed the music and found Jerry at the spray paint booth. He was just starting his first painting of the day. I watched him complete painting after painting like I had before. He painted a lot of stuff that referred to the pier. The ferris wheel, the beach, stuff like that. I must of been watching for a really long time. I saw Jerry take his gas mask off. What is he doing? He ran up to me.

"You don't know how happy I am to see you!" he sounded out-of-breath.

"Are you alright?"

"I need to use the restroom... I know that's kind of weird for me to tell you, but do you think you can paint something to hold the crowd over until I get back?"

"Uh... I-I guess?"

"Ladies and gentlemen! Lucy Moretti!" he yelled to the crowd and then ran off like a horse. I put the gas mask on. Less sweaty... nice. I laughed to myself. I saw a bunch of different sized circle stencils. I had to paint what I knew best... the sky. I grabbed all of the circles and paints. I painted black first. Then blue. Then green and so on. I could hear people commenting. "What's she making?" "Who is that?" "Where's Jerry?" "Does he just let anyone spray paint?" I couldn't stand these people. I got up from the chair. It screeched with anger. I walked over to the stereo that was playing the music. I searched through the playlist. Yes! I blasted it as loud as it could possibly go. Lose Yourself by Eminem boomed through the speakers. I sang along to the song. This song made me feel better on my darkest days. I went back to painting. More and more people crowded around. Some even sang along with me. Practically everyone on the pier could hear my music.

Connor's POV

We were underneath the boardwalk. It was surprisingly pretty. I smiled and Hannah continued her photo shoot.

"Do you hear that?" she said looking up from her lens.

I did hear it. It was music. "You only got one shot, do not miss your chance to blow," I laughed, "Yeah, I hear it."

"What booth would be playing music that loud?"

"One that's probably getting a lot of attention."

"Do you want to go check it out?"


Hannah and I raced off to the mysterious booth playing music. It appeared to be Jerry's booth. I remembered from a couple nights ago. You couldn't see anything, except for people.

"Man, Jerry is getting a lot of attention," I thought aloud.

"It's not me," I heard someone laugh. I turned my head to see Jerry standing next to me.

The song switched. It was now Kings & Queens by SoMo. Me and Lucy love this song. That's when it hit me. "It isn't! It can't be," I smiled.

"But it is!" He broke through the crowd back to his booth. I tried to follow in his path, but it closed quickly. I was stuck in the back of the mob.

Lucy's POV

"There goes the sun! Here comes the fun! Drop that bass and pop that drum! Rolling on up, stepping on out! It's our life let's live it up!" I sang. I was almost finished with the painting. I looked up. Oh my GOD! I knew I drew a crowd, but I didn't know it was this big. I saw Jerry running through the crowd. It made me laugh. I went back to concentrating on the painting. I had painted a lot of planets. It took me a really long time, but it was worth it, because it was coming out perfect. I spray one final touch and finished right as Kings & Queens ended. The stereo completely stopped. Music wasn't playing anymore. Everyone started to cheer for me. I was astonished. People actually liked what I was doing.

"Can I buy that?" I heard someone yell.

"I want it!" The crowd began fighting over who got the painting.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Everyone calm down!" Jerry yelled into a microphone.

"How do we tell who gets it?" I asked.

"We can auction it..."


The bidding took a pretty long time. We ended up selling the painting for somewhere around $1,000. Jerry was painting again. Apparently, the crowd I drew was the most buzz Jerry's stand has gotten in the past few months. Everyone was interested in the art. I was happy to help out Jerry, but it sidetracked me from Connor. Uh-oh. He must be really worried. I better find him. I said a quick goodbye to Jerry and searched for Connor. It was hard to get through the crowd. There was very little movement. I tried to push through, but it was practically impossible. I took a few steps back, and ran through the people. I had ran a little too fast and ended up tripping over my feet. I thought for sure I'd be on the ground bleeding but I wasn't. I looked up and saw Connor.

"We have got to stop finding each other this way," he laughed, holding me in his arms

"It's not my fault I'm a little accident-prone." I stood up, still a little unbalanced. "So, did you get good pictures?"

"Yeah, so, did you sell your painting for a lot of money?"

I crinkled my eyebrows, "how'd you know that?"

"I watched..."

"What about your photo shoot?"

"Eh, we ended early."

"Well if you must know, we sold it for a thousand something dollhurs."

"That's amazing, I couldn't really hear the bidding, I was all the way in the back."

"It was weird. People bidding on my artwork, but-"

"LUCY?" I was interrupted. I whipped my head around to see a man. He was big, and looked very important and well groomed.


"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Marcus Billiard. I am head of the NWA, the North West Arts. I think you could go far in the art industry. Here's my card. Call me if you are interested," the man said handing me a card. And with that he was gone. I looked over at Connor.

"Oh my gosh, Luce! Congratulations!" he pulled me in for a hug. I was still in shock. I could not believe someone just practically offered me a career in art.

"What just happened?"

"You have to call this guy!"

"Yeah," I grinned.

We walked along the pier until we reached the end. We hoped on the next train, and headed home.


Did you expect Marcus Billard? Leave it in the comments!

Pictured: The picture Lucy spray painted (Again, I got this off of Google Images, this is not mine and I do not know who painted it)

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