Chapter 15

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Connor's POV

I was still curious about what Ricky supposedly knew. I sat playing with the sand next to him. Lucy was still tanning with Andrea and Jenn. How long can a girl tan for, jeez. I saw Liam coming out of the water. I hadn't got to talk to him without Lucy, and now was my chance. He sat down in between me and Ricky. His trunks were dripping water all over, and his feet were covered in sand.

"Thank you," he said looking into the water.

"For what?"

"Lucy seems to be a lot happier with you. I never thought I'd see her smile as much as she used to."

I looked over. Obviously Ricky could hear, so I was confused on why he was saying this.

"I told you, I can do complicated. Even if her past was rocky, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me." I looked over at her. She looked so beautiful and perfect.

"Wait... you know?" Ricky said confused.

"Know what?"

"That she was depressed?"

"Wait, you know?"

"Yeah she told me, who told you?"

"He told me, she told you?"

"Yeah, the night at the park. She was an emotional mess, so I guess it sort of came out."

"Why hasn't she talked to me about it."

"Oh, I can answer that," Liam cut in, "Your her boyfriend, and she doesn't want you to see her flaws, because, like I said, she's self-conscious and doesn't want you to not like her because of that."

"That's ridiculous!" I said.

"What's ridiculous?"

I froze. I slowly turned my head to see all of the girls standing behind us. She was smiling, so she didn't hear what we were talking about.

"Uh, that there are so many people here in March..." Ricky tried.

"Oh?" Jenn laughed.

They seemed to believe it.

"We're going in the water," Andrea said.

"I'm not," Lucy said sitting down on the other side of me. She leaned her head on my shoulder. I had my vlog camera in my hand. I turned it on.

"Tell us, Luce, why you will not go in the water."

"Because I'm not going to.

 I stood up, and gestured my hand. She held it, and I helped her off the sand.

"It's time," I said to the boys. I threw my camera to Ricky. They had mischievous smiles.

Lucy's POV

Why were they looking at me like that.

"Wait, what does that-" Connor flung me over his shoulder and started to walk over to the ocean.

"CONNOR! PUT ME DOWN! PUT ME DOWN, CONNOR! I'M SERIOUS! I DON'T WANT TO GO IN THERE!" I said punching his back and flailing my legs. People in the water started at us.

"Don't worry! She likes this," Connor laughed.

 He picked me up off of his shoulder. I immediately wrapped my legs around his body and my arms around his neck. I didn't want to touch the water. I looked into his green eyes with fear.

"Calm down, I won't let anything happen to you," he said softly. My body began to relax. He walked in deeper and deeper. It was up to his waist. His stomach. My legs.

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