Chapter 30

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Lucy's POV

The night was painfully long. I was cuddled up in Connor's arms. What should have been peaceful was the opposite. As Connor slept softly, I sat up, churns in my stomach, pains in my head, and afraid of the morning.

Light crept through the windows. More than ever did I wish for the night to stay longer. And I was a procastinating college student. I shut my eyes as a tear threatened to slip down my cheek. I knew if one slipped out, thousands would follow, and Connor would wake. At least one of us should get a good night sleep.

I watched as the clock changed. 1:42. 3:12. 4:57. 5:33. 6:09. 7:28. 8:00. Right on cue, the alarm Connor had set the previous night when off. It was certain; night was gone, and day had come.

Connor grumbled as he awakened. I felt him smile as he kissed my head. I turned to meet his face to mine.

"Did you sleep well last night?" he grinned.

"Define well?" I winced.

He laughed, knowing that I meant I didn't sleep one bit. He let out a sigh, and got up leaving a dent in the bed. He began to get ready. I really did want to. I just wanted to stay in bed.

"Your clothes, my lady," he laughed throwing a comfortable plane outfit, that consisted of leggings, a black tank top, a pink zip up sweatshirt, and tan UGGs.

"Can I get a White Girl Alert!" I laughed examined the outfit.

"I wanted you to be comfortable," he pouted.

"I will be," I thanked.

He got dressed quickly. I sat on the bed for another ten minutes, until he reminded me I had to catch a plane at 9:30 and Marcus was coming at 9.

It inspired me to get dressed. Once I was, I slowly walked down the steps, being escorted on the way down by Connor.

I saw all the boys in the kitchen. They all had smiles across their lips. They looked sincere. Almost too sincere. I didn't like it. They didn't have to fake a smile. There was an awkward silence that brewed. No one said anything, mostly because none of them knew what exactly to say. Eventually the silence was broken by Leo's nails running across the floor to my side. I picked up the plump kitty and pet him.

We all ate breakfast together, as if we were a family. Still it was silent. I figured this would happen. None of them wanted to say anything in fear they would say the wrong thing and make me cry. I understood. I'm pretty emotional. I can't help it. I sighed as a swirled the syrup in my dish. I wasn't hungry anymore. Just overall sad.

I broke the unbreakable silence by saying, "I'm not that hungry," and picked up the plate and following to put it in the sink.

I glanced at the clock. 8:54. The boys saw the glance.

"Marcus will be here soon," Kian said. I nodded.

The boys helped me make sure I had all of my stuff. Afterwords they all lined up for me to say goodbye.

Sam was first. I smiled at him and hugged him.

"I'm going to miss you," he whispered.

"Me too," I choked back the tears.

Trevor was next. I hugged him.

"Keep singing, I'll be sure to be the first to buy it on iTunes." He laughed at my remark.

Next was Kian. I hugged him as well.

"Paint your heart out," he said as we embraced.

"Will do," I laughed.

Jc stood with his hands in his pockets. I took a long hard look at him before going in for a hug.

"Stay friends with Lia. I thought you guys were good together," I whispered just so he could hear. He nodded in response.

I took a deep breath as I moved to Ricky. I practically jumped into his arms. Behind Connor, Ricky was the closest one to me.

"You're gonna do great, Luce." I smiled.

When I broke a part from Ricky, I knew this was what I was dreading. Connor's eyes looked glassy. I assumed mine did too, considering I had to hold back tears all five times I had gone in for hugs.

I shut my eyes for a second, trying hard to control the overwhelming emotions, but it was no use. The tears slipped out without a warning. Connor grabbed my body and pulled me close.

"Don't think you made a bad decision, okay?"


He hugged me even tighter. Usually I would feel strangled and claustrophobic. But it made me feel safe and loved. He slowly brought his lips to mine. This was our last kiss. Maybe ever. It was interrupted to the sound of the doorbell ringing.

My head dropped. I knew it was Marcus to come take me away. Kian ran to answer the door and the others followed to leave us alone.

By the time Connor and I had reached the door all of my stuff was in Marcus' truck. I squeezed Connor's hand before letting it go.

I turned back when I reached the truck. All of the boys had been watching from the door. I waved forcing a smile. They did the same. And I got into the car. Never seeing the boys again.

Connor's POV

It couldn't end like that. We barely got a goodbye. It took me a whole second after Marcus' truck was out of sight before I had rushed to my car.

Unexpectedly all of the boys had followed me in, cramming everyone into my tiny car.

I sped off to the airport. I needed a better goodbye than that.

When we had reached LAX, I didn't even bother parking. I didn't care if I got a ticket. I stopped my car right in front running inside. I needed to get to her before she passed security or I'd never get to her.

I could see her. She was walking over to the security check line. I sprinted as fast as I could and grabbed her hand, turning her around. Her eyes were droopy and bloodshot.

I pulled her lips into mine, cupping her cheek. We pulled back at the same time. She threw herself into my arms.

"Why did you come after me?" her voice shook.

"I needed to say bye one more time." When I had said that I could hear the boys running up behind me.

"You all came?" she laughed as tears glided down her cheeks.

The boys shrugged. There ended up being a group hug, which was a tad awkward because it was my girlfriend and five of my best friends.

"Flight 3 to Alaska is now bording," a women yelled into the loud speaker.

Lucy sighed. That was her flight. I could see Marcus at the front of the security line, gesturing her to come with him. I left the boys behind to go over to it with her. Marcus got examined. And then Lucy. I watched as she walked to her terminal. Marcus was talking to her, but she seemed too distracted to listen. She turned around to make eye contact one last time. A tear rolled down my cheek.

"I love you," she mouthed.

"I love you, too," I mouthed back.

And that was it. She was mine. And I was hers. But I was wrong. It wasn't forever.


Don't worry, it's not over yet...Go read Long Distance ~ Sequel to Lunar to find out what happens next!

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