Chapter 1

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Lucy's POV                                                         

          It was a beautiful night on the boardwalk. I could ride until they forced me to leave. The wind blew through my hair causing my beanie to fall off my head. I caught it before it could. There was a giant crowd of girls up ahead. I wonder why there are so many girls. Why are they all screaming. As we neared further and further towards the crowd the screaming grew louder and louder. I was trying to see what all of the fuss was about and wasn't paying attention to where I was skating.

"Whoops! Sorry!" I said, practically running over a crowd of screaming girls. I stopped skating, and waited for my brother to catch up.

"Try not to be such a klutz," Liam said skateboarding towards me.

"Oh shut up," I said punching him in his arm.

"Really you want to do this here?" he said. He got off of his long board and picked me up into the air. He started to shake me about and then placed me back on the ground. We had a love hate relationship, I mean he is my twin brother. I looked over at the head of the crowd and saw six boys signing autographs. I squinted trying to make out their faces, and when I did I started freaking out. Oh. My. God. That's O2L. That's Our Second Life. I watch them on YouTube and they are in LA on my boardwalk. I need to go see the-

"Lucy? Come on! I'm starving and the restaurant at the Grove is always packed," Liam whined.  

I sighed, and road on my penny board trying to catch up to him.

Connor's POV

"How many girls do you think there are?" Ricky asked.

"A lot." Kian answered.

I scanned the crowd, all of the faces were just a big girl blur. My eyes drifted off of the crowd. A girl was riding on her penny board. She looked so care-free. She was wearing high waisted jean shorts and a white tank top that said LA. On her feet she wore black vans. I look down at my own feet. Yup. Same shoes. When I looked back up at her I saw her grabbing her beanie as it was about to fly off of her head. She laughed when she re-secured it on her head. She clumsily stopped and looked guiltily at the fans she almost ran over. I smiled. She's different from all the California girls. I hope she comes to the signing. Is she coming over? Then some guy picked her up. He wasn't bad looking. Brown hair, brown eyes, nothing special. But he wasn't ugly. Why do all of the real girls have boyfriends. No one in this town is like that. I sighed. I remained staring at her until Ricky got my attention.

"Connor! Jc! Come on there are a lot of people out there! Sign!"

I signed another poster, but when I looked back up, the mystery girl was gone.

Jc's POV

"How many girls do you think there are?:

"A lot."

There were a lot of girls the only guys I did see appeared to be either the father or the boyfriend to a girl in the crowd.

"Look at her, she's hot," Trevor whispered to me.

"Honestly they all look the same to me," I said, when something caught my eye. It was a maroon penny board with black wheels and black trucks. The owner was wearing the same black vans as Connor. I followed the feet and was shocked to see a girl riding a penny board. She was beautiful. She looked about 21. She had extremely long dirty blonde hair, it was so long that it reached her waist. Her eyes were a dark brown. She wasn't a twig, but she wasn't huge. She looked very healthy. She was wearing a black Neff beanie on her head that almost fell off, but she caught it and laughed. My eyes remained on her when a muscular guy picked her up and started shaking her in the air. Of course she has a boyfriend. She's perfect though.

"Jc!" I heard, disrupting my thoughts, "Come on there are a lot of people out there! Sign!" But only one that stands out... and had suddenly disappeared.


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Pictured: Lucy

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