Chapter 28

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Lucy's POV

"Where do you want to go?" he cooed.

"I thought you planned something?" I said confused, although it sounded more like a question.

"I did," he laughed, "I just wanted to see if there was anything in particular that you wanted to do."

"SO?" I raised my eyebrows, hoping he'd give me a straightforward answer.

"How do you feel about... walking?"

"Walking? I don't mind," I shrugged.

"What about a lot of walking?"

"Nah, I don't care."

"Okay, because today is a lot of walking."

He still insisted he'd not tell me to keep it a surprise, but I could only think of one thing that meant walking. And that was the Walk of Fame.

I noticed that he had also brought a drawstring back that he had thrown in the back of his car, but I didn't know what was in that.

Connor's POV

I was taking her to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. I thought that it'd be cool to bring her site seeing on her last day. The drive wasn't far, but LA traffic is brutal. We should have gotten there in a mere thirty minutes but it ended up taking an hour. 

"Yes," I said excitedly, as I pulled off to the side of the street to park.

"Wait. Where are we?" she said confused. 

"Parking," I laughed getting out of the car with a handful of quarters to pay the meter.

"But... I just thought..." her voice trailed off.

"I really just wanted to take you to a parking meter. Thats'all."

"Shut up!" she giggled playfully hitting my shoulder. "But... really? Where are we going?"

"Why don't we take a walk," I laughed grabbing her hand and dragging her along beside me. 

 "Fine. Don't tell me," she huffed.

We walked until we reached the street that my computer said the Walk of Fame started on. I tried to distract Lucy to see if she would realize what we were walking on. 

"Do you see that plane?" I pointed up at the sky. We had just stepped onto the first street of the Walk of Fame.

"What plane? All I see are palm trees," she squinted.

"No, there," I pointed again smiling. She was falling for my trick.

"You're smiling like an idiot," she grinned, which made me smile even more.

"Hey, Luce?"


"Look down." As I said this, she looked down and practically passed out. She jumped a little looking at the star.

"Wa-when did we start walking this? And why didn't I realize?" she laughed.

"You were in your own little world."

"Apparently. I almost stepped on John Lennon. Do you realize how much of a disgrace I'd be if I stepped on John Lennon?"

"How much?"

"This much," she laughed reaching her arms out to their full extent. 

"You're cute, you know?" I smiled.

"Guilty," she winked. I laughed at her attempt to make a cute wink. In reality it appeared as the creepiest wink ever.

"Please don't do that ever again."

Like I figured she winked again. I playfully shoved her shoulder causing her to trip over her feet and start laughing. There were actually a lot of cool people on The Walk of Fame. We passed Bruce Willis, Frank Sinatra, Ellen DeGeneres, Steven Spielberg, Marilyn Monroe, Mickey Mouse, Michael Jackson, and so many more. Every step we took Lucy pointed out someone else. 

I was glad she was enjoying herself. I was even happier for what else I had planned.

Lucy's POV 

We reached the end of the Walk of Fame. I think out of all of them my favorite was Walt Disney. Connor took my picture with it. I loved today. We had spent an hour at the Walk of Fame. We looped around back into Connor's car. 

"That was so much fun!" I gushed.

"So you aren't tired?"

"Not at all! I have so much energy! I could climb a mountain!" I laughed.

"Good," he smiled a mischievous smile.

We began driving, except it wasn't the way we came. In a matter of minutes, Connor had brought me to a giant mountainous trail. Uh-oh. I jinxed myself. Connor grabbed to bag in the back of the car that I had noticed before. He opened my door and escorted me towards the path.

"What is this?" I laughed.

"You said you wanted to climb a mountain... so I brought you to one," he smiled. "Come on, it's a long walk!"

He was right. It was a long walk. The energy that once was in my body was completely gone. I looked like the walking dead. 

"Are we almost there yet?" I sighed, watching my feet move.

"You're pretty oblivious to your surroundings, huh?" Connor laughed.

I shot my head up, right in front of me was the Hollywood sign. Big and proud.

"Aren't we not allowed this close to the sign?" I gasped.

"You're not suppose to... but no helicopters followed us. I don't think a little picnic will do any harm," he said taking the bag off of his back and setting it on the ground. 

The first thing he pulled out was a big blanket. He put the blanket on the floor, sat on the blanket, and patted the spot next to him. I sat down as he asked. He pulled out more from the bag. There were little hand peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, strawberries, and of course Arizona iced tea. I smiled when he pulled out the iced tea. 

"What are you smiling at?" he laughed.

"This is really nice." I grabbed a strawberry and popped it into my mouth. He opened his Arizona with a pop of the tab and sipped some, letting out a relieving 'ahhh.'

We spent most of the day up there. Once we had finished lunch we decided to just stay up there and watch the clouds. We were cuddled up next to each other watching the clouds drift. It was nice sitting there in silence. It didn't feel like our last day together. It felt like we'd never really be seperated at all. 

"That one looks like a cat!" Connor pointede up into the sky.

"That one looks like a cloud!" I joked.

"Oh my gosh! That one does look like a cloud!"

"That one looks like a helicopter..."

"Wait," we said in unison.

"Shit, Connor muttered while shoving everything back into his bag. I helped him throw the blanket in. 

"Go! Go! Go!" I yelled as we ran down the hill hysterically laughing. 

Compared to walking up the mountain, running down took less than a quarter of the time. Connor unlocked his car as we neared closer to it. The helicopter was still following us overhead.

"Get in!" Connor yelled quickly opening his door and hoping in. I did the same. Once we were both in, the car's engine roared to life and we sped off, leaving the Hollywood sign behind. 


Do you think they're going to get caught? Leave it in the comments!

Pictured: The Walt Disney star

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