Song Shot

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Tiptoe. creaking stairs

Echo, no ones there

Running against the wind

(Y/n) ran around the haunted mansion terrified since she was locked inside.

Empty house, full of sin

Light bulb flickerin'

Cracked walls caving in

The mansion was empty but most say it was filled with ghosts. The house was stable but old. Cracked walls, broken doors, corners filled with cobwebs.

Face to face~

Gone insane, gone insane

No escape

"Why hello~"

(Y/n) turned around to see a ghost with chocolate brown hair and green eyes. She stared at him in shock and fear. Soon she was spinning in circles by an invisible force.

Spin around!

I go dancing with ghosts

They are after my soul!

They go, do do do do do do do do do do do doo.

Do do do do do we are coming for you-ah

You managed to break free from its grasp and ran around again aimlessly. But met the ghost again but it had a creepy smile.

"We came for your soul~"

The song was called Ghosts by Charlie. Honestly I think it's good.

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