Vinex: I love the anime Magi. Aladdin is cute and powerful. Alibaba is a moron but ambitious. Morgiana is pretty and badass. I love them all!
Japan: hai
America: anime?
Japan and Vinex: hai
America: *walks away*
Vinex: *looks at palm and creates a yellow looking butterfly*
Japan: oh my, Vinex that is so coor (cool). I didn't know you could see and summon Rukh.
(Rukh- life force/energy of a living being. It looks like yellow butterflies but like tiny birds.)
Aladdin: Hi my name is Aladdin!
Vinex: *starts hugging Aladdin* precious child and reincarnation of Solomon.

Hetalia crack and randomness 1 [FINISHED]
HumorThis is gonna be crack like and random stuff. I'll probably do some role play with characters. This was when I was a new Hetalia weeb, forgive my grammar mistakes! DISCLAIMER: I don't own Hetalia