In choir our class watched Sound Of Music and some songs I just love.
Vinex: so long~
England: farewell~
America: I have to leave you tonight~
Vinex: adieu
England: adieu
America: to you, and you, and you~
China: so long (aru)~
Russia: farewell (da)~
France: it's our time to say goodbye~ (honhonhonhon)
*All 3 dances/ walks away*k
Italy: So long (ve~)~
Germany: farewell...
Japan: Our rast song of the night~
Italy: *sings melodic* and once I go home it's time for bed....~
Hetalia: Gooooodbyeeeeeeee~ x3
Honestly I like that songXD what am I even doing with my life?

Hetalia crack and randomness 1 [FINISHED]
HumorThis is gonna be crack like and random stuff. I'll probably do some role play with characters. This was when I was a new Hetalia weeb, forgive my grammar mistakes! DISCLAIMER: I don't own Hetalia