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Vinex: Apple is red, Strawberries are pink, when you combine them, what will it be?

Chibi Vinex: Apple is red, Strawberries are pink, when you combine them, it tastes so sweet!

2P: wtf

2P: Violets are blue, Blood is red. The window is open, I'm under your bed.

Chibi and Vinex: *clapping slowly* beautiful, meaningless

2P: right back at ya

France: honhonhonhon~ bed?

England: *frantically looks around* are my windows open!?

2P Hetalia: Blood is red, bruises are blue.

Creepypasta: be my valentine or I kill you~

Vinex, Chibi, 2P: why is this happening?

Hetalia crack and randomness 1 [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now