Work Out

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Vinex: *doing whatever* I FEEL LIKE DYING

Germany: *working out without breaking a sweat* TRY HARDER

Italy: *eating pasta* Ve~ after this pasta~

Germany: ITALY, WORK NOW!!

France: *flirts at ladies in the gym*

England: *trying to do one push up and stops * too hard!

America: *full blown work out* THIS IS SO FUN

England: *looks surprised* how a git like you is doing that?

America: *eating a burger in one hand and weights on the other and shrugs* Strong Hero!

China: *serving food in cafe*

Russia: *Zumba/ dance class*

Japan: *Yoga*

Prussia: *flirts with girl with France* hey fraus~

Denmark: *works out to impress ladies and Norway*

Norway: *treadmill*

Iceland: *weights* I'm tired...

Finland: *bicycles* this is nice, right Su-San?

Sweden: *working hard* mhm

2P Vinex: *playing darts with knifes with Chibi Vinex and listing weights* I could be doing better...

Chibi Vinex: *dodges knifes* I can practice being flexible! *dodges more knifes*

Vinex: *sweats* lovely

Actually I was in school in the work out room. Then I imagined Hetalia working out. Then my legs starts to hurt because I was doing too many squats.

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